Is that a new word? Unbelting? Anyway, the sad moment came (way too soon), when we had to give Donna the key to her chastity belt. She had been looking forward to it for the last ten days, so the smile on her face was HUUUGE :)
Donna quickly unlocked herself, and tossed the belt aside, rubbing her hips and stomach. Then she put on some underwear, something she had not needed for 30 days (she brought a lot of panties, but she obviously did not use any of them). In all of those 30 days, we have never seen Donna smile so much as on her unbelting day!!
It has been almost four months since this was filmed. Donna did not stay in Amsterdam much longer, although she loved the city. She did not want to keep her custom made pink belt (taking some extra money instead), nor does she EVER want to do this kind of deal again. Ever.
We learned a lot from this experiment, and we hope we can find another girl for a similar deal soon. It will be much better thought out and planned, and we now know what kind of difficulties we can expect. If you want to apply for the new chastity deal, just email us! (18 years or over, females only)
We will continue to feature a story line on Wednesdays, so even now Donna is gone we will still update twice a week (Wednesday and Friday as always). Curious about next week’s story? Well, it will be a good one, stay tuned!
Remember the Donna updates are not shot in a studio so picture quality may vary. Member pictures and videos are not censored in any way.

9 comment(s) to “Donna’s unbelting”
Donna thank you so much for sharing this part of your life with us
If she was interested in chastity and being on a website I would really hate to see somebody who wasn’t.
are you planning on releasing any bonus footage?
Well done Donna, and thanks for going through all this.
Too bad the experienced didn’t turn out as you may have expected at first, as you returned the belt? I may have kept it as some sort of trophy at least ;)
Hope you had a blast with this anyways….
Donna, you were wonderful and congratulations! I understand that hygiene is very important which makes me ask why your nether region had less hair upon un-belting than on day one??? Was Donna permitted release to shave and clean? I know she was released when the rear cable was tested but it was suggested that this was a non-stop belting sentence… Amazing either way, just curious. Thanks for the great site!
Yes, short supervised hygiene breaks were in her contract. Believe me, you want to keep things smooth down there when you are belted.
I really loved the pink chastity belt. I hope we see another one in the future.
One thing I noticed with it was that the pink colour went more and more.
Laser treatment apparently lasts for 6 to 8 weeks, and can even be permanent. Both Donna and Natalia Forrest have had their private parts lasered, like many girls nowadays.