Some of you have asked to show more of Donna’s nights. It is a little difficult to do so, because we left her alone every night (having someone with a camera there seemed a little too invasive). It’s too dark to shoot at night anyway… The static camera on night vision was running every night, however. And it gives us some very nice insights in this experiment.
Donna is now sleeping without any significant problems! She is not waking up at all, like she did in the first two weeks. You can see her hand going to the belt sometimes, but it is not a conscious move. Donna told us she could not remember doing so.
This is a special update for the members who love the voyeuristic updates, but it will probably be the last of this type. Maybe it is worth considering compiling a ‘night vision’ dvd for people who are interested, but we guess all those recorded hours of eventless green video are a little bit too much for most members.
Remember the Donna updates are not shot in a studio so picture quality may vary. Member pictures and videos are not censored in any way.

3 comment(s) to “Sleeping without problems!”
Very good position to see her all and special belt :) Love it!
Looking at the pictures my wife remarked that she might not be able to do everything in the toilet…
Ihave found my new screen saver