Just another random update from Donna’s stay in the Amsterdam apartment. She is cleaning the kitchen after lunch, which we actually enjoyed together with her. It was very nice to talk to her that day, and you can see she is quite open and posing a little for the camera (not in the video though, she had about enough of us by then).
Donna wanted nothing more than to get out of the belt by day 20, but in her mind she had already decided that she would not give up, not now she was past the halfway mark and counting down to her release. In a way, she was more free than ever, completely used to the belt, knowing how to deal with every little discomfort and how to cover it up with clothing. She went out more, enjoyed Amsterdam, went shopping and even planned to get her hair done in a fancy saloon (in another color!).
We have to admit, seeing a belted girl like Donna clean our kitchen was a big joy to watch, and we are glad that we captured it on camera. It is probably going to anger women’s rights organisations even more (having Donna clean in a belt) but trust us, Donna was not forced to do anything, she was actually happy to have something to do and she loves cleaning. She kept the apartment very tidy in her 30 days!
Remember the Donna updates are not shot in a studio so picture quality may vary. Member pictures and videos are not censored in any way.

2 comment(s) to “Donna in the kitchen”
These shoots would be a lot better without Donna wearing the pants. I love seeing Donna in all her belted glory and not just seeing the waist band. Next time you get a CB Deal Girl you should add to the contract that for these shoots at the apartment she should not wear pants.
paying member
I agree these are things you should consider for next contract.
1 put in chastity bra too and when in the house no clothing except maybe when cooking
2 don’t use a cameraman kit the house out with lots of cameras so every angle is covered
3 have her interviewed at least once a week. We need to hear what she has to say and how she is doing in her own words.
One other idea would be a live feed of the house running 24/7