Natalia Forrest has been locked in a lot of belts over the years. Check out her full range of updates in Carrara, FancySteel, Chinese belts, my own creations, and hybrids. She has done long term Deals, short Deals, she has belted other girls… Natalia is truly a chastity veteran.
The only problem is… she hates chastity belts! She complains more than all other Chastity Babes added together. Which makes it actually very entertaining to keep locking her in a belt, and many members have asked me to do it again, just to annoy her. I realized I never locked her in a NeoSteel belt (I think), and that is a shame, because I happen to have one that fits her really well. Okay, it might be a little tight, but I guess that just means more complaining from Natalia.
Begging, cursing, sweettalking… Natalia would do anything to get out of this belt. She even tries pushing it past her hips (no chance). It is so tight! She is also somehow very annoyed by the large anal opening which is too exposing for her. Oh well, you already know what this video is going to be like… but it is still a lot of fun to watch, even after all these years! Sorry Natalia!!

5 comment(s) to “Natalia Forrest versus Neosteel”
Natalia is nice! But why does she not have a bra?
With Natalia, a better question to ask is “why does she not have a gag?”.
Legs wide spread means Natalia needs tight thighbands. And a bra of course! Very important! Full chastity for Natalia.
And as teaser lock her wrists to the side of her belt too for a day at least. She must like that.
You need to get Natalia Forrest to try the NeoSteel plug as I think it would be that largest plug she has worn with a chastity belt.
Every woman you showcase should be shown trying to get out of the belt. If that’s impossible, that makes it more fun.