This is an old shoot we recently found! It was shot last October, about two weeks after Dominique had been belted by her mom Francis. We invited Dominique over to get a good view of the belt. A member suggested a girl on our website should wear Hello Kitty pyjamas, and we came up with the terrible pun you see in the update title… It was funny at the time, although Dominique did not think it was funny at all. After all, she had just signed a year contract.
Anyway, trying to document Dominique in the belt was not very hard, because she removed the night wear almost immediately to continue the belt testing / pulling / tugging she was doing in the first few weeks. You can see how perfect the belt was on her (helped by some padlocks in the back to shorten the ass chains and pull the front shield tight). Double padlocks in the front make it extra secure, even if she managed to break 1 padlock, the belt would still not come off.
We will soon tell you the rest of the story about Dominique and Francis, it was an interesting year (so far) for them, and there is some big news to be told! Their appearance on this website definitely changed their life! Curious? Stay tuned!

9 comment(s) to “Dominique – hello kitty, bye pussy”
Dominique, it looks great one you. A perfect fit, smiles
Hi Dominique
You should have kept your blouse on, you looked so cute in it.
Sorry, I understand you were not in the mood for humour that day.
To be taken away your sex-life for a whole year, even you have never experience any other yet than rubbing with your own fingers, is a big thing.
For a young girl like you a year is like an eternity.
Buy the way, have you been fiddling with the right lock on the front of the belt? Looks like a brocken piece of an key or a screwdriver is stikking out – Well, maybe it is just a reflection!
A thought – do you like to swim?
I don´t know if you and your mom ever travels to the sea, or there is a lake, or a public swimming bath near you.
If you put on a wetsuite as windsurfers use, people will only could faintly see your belt.
The only problem is, if you get to hot, when not in the water. But if you stay in the shade and put a white blouse over your wetsuit while eating icecream, you should manage for some time.
You can always cool off in the water if to hot.
Give my regards to your lovely mom.
P.S. I am very curious about, what the big news is, hope they are good!
she’s much more of a babe than she first appeared……I still like watching her facial reaction to being belted in the original contract episode…..
….she should still make regular belted appearances after the contract ends……
or maybe just refuse to unlock her…..
….after all what’s she going to do?… once those locks have been snapped shut…she’s in no position to argue……..
As far as activity requests from registered members, how about just answering a simple question: for example; in accordance with the contract as Dominique’s k/h does Francis make allowances for Dominique ti pleasure herself or is that information private or included in the contract for member’s eyes only?
Also: how is the husband hunt going?
Surely there must be a clause about marriage prior to the end of the contract?
perhaps there’s a marriage clause at the contract end as Pat says ..and so…… she has to remain belted for the wedding ceremony with the promise of being released afterwards, however the keys are presented to her lucky husband instead who decides not to unbelt her now that shes had so much training……
or maybe Francis just raffles the key instead……that would be a great member benefit….
or may be the tables get turned and Francis ends up in a belt for a year instead…
…seems like that 1 year contract may last a whole lot longer……she should have been careful what she wished for…
Love that smile in frame 27. Who wouldn’t want to be with Dominique?