The problem with Lyne: she is always wet and horny. Putting her in a plugged belt was probably the worst thing anyone has ever done to her. She was dripping all over the studio!
The only reason she agreed on getting plugged was my promise she would get to play with my fucking machine later. But she didn’t realize how much later. I first wanted to have my fun with this Belgian babe, who seemed to get wetter every time she even moved her body, as the plug was sliding back and forth and slightly deeper when she walked.
Of course, I challenged Lady Lyne to take a run on the treadmill. That would get her even more wet, as the plug would stimulate her all them time. She can climax from penetration only, so I have to be a bit careful here, but the plug wasn’t really enough to make her cum. She just did it because she wanted to play with my fucking machine.
Soon, she took off her shirt because she was getting hot, but that made her huge boobs flop around which was a bit uncomfortable while running. Lyne soon couldn’t take it anymore. She collapsed to the floor and tried to get her hands under the belt. I think she was so horny she thought about breaking the NeoSteel belt with her bare hands! There was no way she could climax and the plug was still deep inside her, no way to get it out without a key.
She was almost done with this Deal. A bit longer and I would give her a reward. What a girl! Enjoy her run and stay tuned for more Lady Lyne!