During her most recent Chastity Deal, Kerry was in full chastity for 5 days (well, 4 nights) with TWO big plugs inside her. Yes… again, you can ask her on Twitter, it was incredible. One of you emailed me to ask if it was possible to come and do a photo shoot with Kerry during her Deal.
Kerry loved the idea, so we invited the fan to the studio for an exclusive fan shoot! He used the entire studio and had some great concepts for his series of pictures with Kerry. You will notice in this behind the scenes video, that Kerry can’t stop wiggling. She is always moving. This is because the 2 plugs actually give her pleasure when she moves, and she can’t resist wiggling her hips all the time!
She is just amazing! Kerry could actually spend forever in a double plugged belt (with toilet breaks of course) and she is one of the only girls I know who can do that. She had a great time with the fan and he took some cool pictures. It was a great day! Let’s hope we can host some more fan shoots soon, it’s always great to see Chastity Babes up close and personal. Let me know in the comments who YOU would book a fan shoot with!

2 comment(s) to “Kerry – fan shoot – behind the scenes”
The idea of doing a fan shoot with a girl is amazing, I know there are a couple of girls I would pick to do one with, and the top three would be Britney, Little Lanta, and Vina. They all have certain aspects which when put together would make for the perfect chastity girl. But I am just a lowly man who wants for nothing.
Yes fan shoots are great, there have been fan shoots with Donna, Dominique, Kerry, Cobie, Anahi, and a few more. Bless the lucky fans who were able to attend, I think they got memories that will last a life time :D