Happy Halloween!! It is the end of Locktober for many people around the world, and also for my studio assistant Anahí, who had the honor of being signed as this year’s Locktober Chastity Babe.
She had been to the studio a few times in October, and of course she was happy to travel here on this very special day. She couldn’t wait to get unlocked! Even though it looked relatively easy for her, I know it was not. She was angry at times, even in pain, and very frustrated and sometimes desperate. Behind her radiant smile, there is a lot of things we don’t get to see. But she stayed positive. And as with all Chastity Deals: once you start, you really can’t stop, or you will have done some time in chastity for nothing. So when she was half way, Anahí was just riding it out. And she did!
The belt was tight on her, that was not really planned, but since it is her own belt, we decided to go for this red My-Steel. She was also locked in some big steel wrist cuffs, but I gave her the keys to those, she could take them off any time she wanted. Strangely enough, she seemed to have worn them for most of the time. Maybe she didn’t really understand she could take them off?
When Anahí arrived today, I did not let her out immediately, even though she was jumping for joy at the thought of being unlocked. I made her work a full day in the studio before I allowed her to take the belt off. She was so happy!! The marks were deep but they did not break the skin. You could feel them very clearly and they will take maybe a week to fade. Other than that, she seemed to be fine!
Well done, my trusty assistant Anahí!! I know many people are disappointed she is out, but this really was the longest I could get her to do. But if you want more Anahí in her My-Steel, please consider ordering a personal exclusive custom video for yourself. She will be happy to do that for you!

9 comment(s) to “Anahí – Locktober end”
Good for her! The more that young women prove that they can live for extended periods of time in Chastity devices, the more will want to. The female equivalent of the NoFap movement may grow out of your work!
Congrats to Anahí – a herculean effort, and she’s a tougher girl than most (just adorably sweet and lovely at the same time).
Brave Anahì!! Those scars on the waist band… :-)
Congratulations Anahi, a big well Done ❤️
Félicitations Anahi
Pas de réglage de prise de poids sur MySteel ?
Un peut trop serré en effet cette ceinture.
Dear Anahi,
kudos for your perseverance and style. A fascinating month of October thanks to your deal ;-)
Dear Anahi,
I hope you know that after Locktober comes Notouchnovember…. just kidding. I honestly appreciate what you did here making this irrational but beautiful fetish a bit “realer” for all of us – without ever being too serious. Thanks for making the grey pandemic times just a little bit brighter.
Keep bringing Anahi on! Its great to see a gorgeous women on here who comfortably and naturally wears the belt and does more than just smile at the camera.
Lets see her unseat one of the top 3 and get on that top row of Chastity Babes!
Anahi is very hot