Anahí has been keeping me updated with selfies and messages every day, and she is doing fine so far. It has been already 9 days! Okay, there was a moment when she didn’t feel so great, but in general she has been cheerful and very much herself: happy smiley Anahí!!
This red My-Steel is her own belt, so she is used to it and it is formed to her body. It makes a Chastity Deal much easier if there is no extreme pressure points that can pinch or damage skin. She knows how to use the toilet (she rinses in the shower after using the toilet) and she can keep herself reasonably clean. Anahí has only come over once, to take a shower at the Chastity Mansion, supervised of course. I still have the keys right here, and I love the idea that she is unable to take it off without travelling all the way over here, an hour on the train.
I have no doubt she will make it. She is determined to get her prize on the 31st and I don’t blame her! It’s just sad that it will be only 1 month, I’m sure the 31st will be a very happy day for her, but for me it will come too soon.
How is everyone else doing for Locktober? I know a lot of girls and guys are participating this year, and I would love to hear from you in the comments. It is not always easy, so please describe what issues you had and what is the most difficult about this Challenge. It’s also great for other people to read if they are planning to join next year! Of course, if you are happy during your Locktober challenge, and you have no issues, I would love to hear from you too!
Enjoy Anahí’s video report she sent me. It is a little mysterious, she tries to watch TV but fails somehow. Then she writes down something. I don’t know what is going on but I noticed that at NO point she is actually looking at the belt, she is moving, sitting, walking, without any problems. It almost seems she doesn’t remember she is wearing a locking metal device on her body!!

21 comment(s) to “Anahí – Locktober report 1”
Nice photos.
She reminds me of my sister who also enjoys walking around without panties at home – wearing only her NeoSteel Ergo Rear Belt.
Locked girls are always cute and very graceful. :-)
Looks comfortable. Especially the back part.
Do you hold her keys? Does she wear it voluntarily?
Yes I hold the keys, she signed a contract for October :D
A beautiful girl in a great belt. :)
My one is also a My-Steel Total with a crotch band.
Definitely the most comfortable version. Better than the chain model I used in the past.
My husband also likes it …
Cable is even better but only after you have gotten used to it, which may take up to 4 weeks…
Doesn’t the cable terribly rub against the skin while walking when it is closely between the butt cheeks?
It does like hell, that’s why I said it takes time. Taking the time is IMHO worth it but the key to getting there is not to push for it too hard (open wounds in that area are not only a massive setback, but really dangerous because you risk nasty infections).
Of course every body is different, so what worked for me doesn’t have to work for you, but I really think that I can do more things with my cable style belt than others can with their band-style. Sitting is that much easier.
I have a MySteel Total, with the Travel System and I can switch from continuous to cable crotch bands at will… cable allows me to ride my bike without constrains :)
bike was also the reason why I chose cable style. The best combination is a road bike saddle (not the comfy looking wide ones!!) on a city/trekking bike with a relatively upright position, but still slightly forward. (The lean-back position but strain on the hip band and it’s very hard to push those pedals down)
When I first start the ride, it takes me 5 minutes to adjust myself to the saddle and find the right position (or acceptable position). After this, it goes rather smoothly and I stop every half hour, for a 5 min rest.
Biking is one of the few things we haven´t seen a girl here trying, another is the Dutch other national sport, speedskating.
I don’t have any problem with chaffing on the butt cheeks with the rear cable… the problem is more on the waist band, but this can be solved by wearing a corset (there are both for F and for M too). A little water based lube will make it comfortable. Stay away from baby oil, it will ruin your belt (I had to send the belt back to the factory for a new silicone liner).
Anahi will make the entire month with ease, can we make it harder for her, like for example placing something in her belt that will rub against her clit.
Need help to make it harder for Anahi
Add the shiny bra she got for Christmas. It looks good on her too.
Where are the new anahi photo’s?
She posts them on her Twitter: https://twitter.com/a_n_quintana
Combien d’années d’october ont déjà eu lieu. ?
La logique serais d’ajouter un mois chaque année.
A priori, la première partie a eu lieu il y a 4 ans en 2017 selon recherches.
Donc durée October saison 2020 = 5 mois ?
I just noticed Anahí’s big brown pupils in the Oct 6th picture. Like Yuuki Asuna. A character from Sword Art Online.
Damn, i wish a had wife like you Anahi, hope to see a lot more of you
Anahi looks Amazing wearing her belt and cuffs I think Anahi should carry on wearing her mysteel belt after October ends and try to beat Donna’s 170 Days wear her belt