Meanwhile in the UK, Natalia Forrest is inviting more and more of her friends to her house to do Castings for me! It’s a very good idea to let some girls try on a belt for a few hours first, before flying them over to the Netherlands for a full Chastity Deal.
This week, she had Scarlot Rose over! No stranger to fetish and bondage, the tiny Scarlot might be perfect for a Chastity Deal in Holland. She was locked in a Carrara at Natalia’s house, to spend a few hours locked up, see how she would feel, move, and checking if she would actually be able to cope with a belt.
I think she did great! Natalia was asking her a lot of Casting questions, and Scarlot seemed very positive and confident she could do a longer Deal. Even more positive was that Scarlot was asking questions too! Since Natalia Forrest has been in quite a few Chastity Deals, she can answer any questions potential Chastity Babes will have! Okay, not all of Natalia’s experiences were positive (she cried, she got angry, she was desperate and frustrated), but she is honest about the reality of going over to Holland for a weekend.
Scarlot thinks she can do it! What do you think? Get her over here? I would have to find a very small tight belt for this girl, she is super small!!