Let’s go back to Dominique and her mom Francis. Like all with chastity babes, we are most interested in how a chastity belt is affecting daily life. Today, Dominique will show us that working out is no problem at all!
Dressed in cute fitness clothes and socks, Dominique shows us her belt can not even be noticed through her pants. Her top is too short, but should she wear a different one, the belt would be completely invisible and she could easily go to a public gym.
But what about her freedom to move? Can she get on the huge crosstrainer and have a full range of motion? It really is no problem at all. Please note that Dominique has been belted for quite a while, and she is completely used to her belt. A different experience may occur to freshly belted individuals, especially chafing and skin irritation. Dominique uses baby oil and powder to protect her skin very carefully.
Filmed by Francis, a little shaky perhaps but a fun workout to watch. Dominique is so sweet and patient in fulfilling her chastity obligations! Just watch the pictures and video and you will see what we mean!

3 comment(s) to “Dominique – the workout”
great work
Dominique is a very beauiful and sweet girl love her in a chastity belt good that she can go about her daily life but no sex before marriage? Damn! lol.
I only recently Joined this site but its the only site ive seen with girls in chastity belts all you need is some bondage in some of the shoots and itd be allmost perfect :) Keep up the good work Oh maybe you could get Ariel or Sophia Smith as casting both done kinky stuff before anyways love the site
It seems Dominique is not at all hampered by the belt.
She has the full freedom of movement.
There is absolutely no legal excuse against, she wears the belt permanently.
Her mother must be very pleased.