Of course, I was having too much fun with Liz and her vibrating egg predicament, I wanted to take it a step further. The green orgasm machine was just so awesome to watch. I made sure she really couldn’t turn off the vibrating egg inside her belt by handcuffing her wrists to her collar.
A nice new chastity bra prevented her from touching her nipples. Liz was totally helpless now and I turned on the vibrations again. The belt pressed the egg against her clit, extra frustrating for Liz because she wants something inside of her when she gets aroused. The only thing inside her was the green jewel butt plug, that was vibrating along with the egg because the back wire of the belt was pressing against it.
Every time Liz moved, the egg was shifting a little bit, making it more intense. So I told her to stand up, kneel down, bend over, just to see how she would jump and moan every time the egg pressed against her. She was overwhelmed by the vibrations and there was nothing she could do to stop the orgasms coming. She tried to speak, but it was hard! In the end, I thought it would be fun to give her the key to the handcuffs. Liz had to figure out how to free her wrists from the collar, and then try to turn off the vibrator by reaching the control buttons on her back.
The stimulation was so strong that she had a very hard time reaching those buttons. Every time she moved, her clit was vibrated very hard, so her brain, arms, and fingers would not cooperate. Finally, she managed to turn off the vibrator and she was exhausted! This was so much fun, I want to do this to other girls too! Let me know which girl should get a belt with an egg inside next!!

13 comment(s) to “Liz Rainbow – the fun continues”
Kitty from Kitty denied
Would a wireless egg be too extreme or too lacking in battery life?
I would like to see Roxanne (seen on HuCows and BoundLife with Gina) in this situation.
Natalia Forrest, the biggest drama queen!
Excellent idea!!
The Taming of the Shrew
Sophie, she’s so quiet I want to hear her finally.
Natalia Forrest – ‘The Taming of the Shrew”
Jenny C
Emma Green,Danica Collins
anahi should get it …
The first girl that comes to mind is Yasmine.
She can take electricity pretty well, so she’s definitely gonna be a challenge. Guess it comes down to how susceptible she is to stimulation.