Darina wanted to take a shower before bed, and I thought she was crazy. Why not wait till the morning? It wasn’t such a long Chastity Deal. It would be hard to dry herself, but she did not care. Cheerful as ever, Darina just went ahead and stepped in the bathtub to shower herself. She even soaped and cleaned her belt. It’s amazing how she can even bend over with 2 kilos hanging from her neck, she must certainly feel the weight of the thick (and tight) heavy collar.
All clean and ready for bed, Darina headed upstairs to her bedroom. She already tested if she could lie down, and she found that staying on her back would work best. I went to wish her good night and I slept elsewhere in the house, just in case. I literally did not hear a sound from her all night. She must have been in a very deep sleep! In fact, I got a bit worried and went to check on her first thing in the morning.
After waking her up, I told her that she made it: she had earned her cash prize and she was allowed to take these 4.5 kilos of metal off. Darina really could have done a much longer Deal. She did not have trouble at all. This belt is not designed for long term wear, but if anyone can do it, it’s Darina! The collar is just fabulous too. It really is impossible to forget! Darina took off her belt and collar and we inspected her skin. No problems at all. Some marks but that can be expected, they would fade away soon.
What a great achievement! If you think you can do this too, and you want to earn some prize money and a free stay in Holland, just contact me! Who knows, you might be the next one staying in the ChastityBabes house!

5 comment(s) to “Darina – sleeping in heavy gear”
She looks so lovely in that gear. She should try a walk outside in that collar. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind :)
Darina really was trooper. Next time the same metal but with matching wrist/ankle cuffs, and a plug (or two) … hehehehe
Who is the manufacturer of the collar?
A shiny bra will look good on her too.
A big discus lock would look better in that heavy collar. That is more secure and would give it an even more intimidating look.
Add a pair of balletheels, a stand with a wire in it and a heavy weight in the end of the wire an hook the wire to the belt and have the girl lifting the weight by walking away from the stand, some kind of “tug of war”.