So great to see the girls out and about in Spain! I can’t believe they have spent the afternoon so far away from their keys (those were in the villa), so they couldn’t have their beloved toilet breaks (supervised, but still). Also, for Nova and Muriel, this was their first time in a chastity belt. It is hot and sweaty, tight, and uncomfortable. Most girls prefer to stay still and lie down on a bed as much as possible.
Not these girls! They took a very bumpy car ride into town (which is quite far), and they were clothed in various degrees of hiding their belts. Rija covered her belt with a dress, but Nova Pink had an open back dress so every would see her shiny belt from the back, and then there was fiery Muriel, who did not seem to care at all, she was just wearing shorts and a short top! Her belt was totally visible as she walked through the town, where many tourists and locals were on the streets.
They stopped at a bar to get a drink, and they must have been there for over an hour, just sitting there, with their belts visible for everyone to see (well, especially Muriel’s). Rija and Muriel even went and explored the beach, before returning to the others at the bar. Then Nova and Rija both had to pee, they couldn’t hold it much longer, and they certainly wouldn’t make it home with another torturous car ride, so they decided to go in the café and film each other!
Peeing through a belt can be quite messy, the front shield has perforated holes for peeing, but as you can imagine, this will not result in a very clean situation. The girls did an awesome job and they proved they can pee through their belts in an emergency. Of course, they would still need regular cleaning breaks, because it is impossible to get completely clean after a toilet visit.
Well done girls, I am so proud of these public adventures! I wish I had been there to support you, but next time I will definitely be there, I don’t want to miss this again!

4 comment(s) to “Chastity Holiday – in public”
I love to see girls peeing in their belt. Very nice update.
Great update! But I’m surprised that Muriel didn’t have to go. She looked a bit uncomfortable.
I think she went too, but she did not feel comfortable being filmed.
Ok, that sounds plausible. Hence my greatest respect for the two who had themselves filmed!