Roxy Mendez is back! This time she is alone, without her trusty friend Kacey (remember their awesome school week Deal?), and she still looks good as ever! She is so fit, and she has a nice tan!
Sometimes it is hard to find a good chastity belt for a Chastity Babe, and this time we searched and searched to find a good fit for Roxy. I like tight belts, so we needed a perfect one, but it was hard. Until I dug out the old spare parts for Donna’s first belt. I sold the pink belt to a fan after Donna’s first Chastity Deal, but I still have a spare waist band and a wire back crotch part (Donna never liked to wear wire style).
I assembled it and tried it on Roxy, mainly because she kept asking me for a pink belt. Well, this one is pink and it is tight! A perfect fit for Roxy’s amazing strong and fit body. It was very hard to lock it on (to the point we were even afraid whether it would ever open again), but we did it. Roxy was in the belt and there was no space for even a finger tip to get in between! It was tight and very secure. This is a hardened steel belt with a padlock protector, so if I lose the key or the key doesn’t work anymore, Roxy would be in huge trouble.
That risk is part of the excitement of course, and Roxy was exited too, because she wanted to try to touch herself! She loves to test things, like bondage gear, and even some more extreme things, that’s why I had to find a good tight belt for her.
After leaving her for some time, I visited her in the bed room to give her a brand new magic wand. A useless present of course, but it was nice to see Roxy get all frustrated in her perfect belt!

7 comment(s) to “Roxy Mendez – perfect belt”
One. Piece. Swimsuit.
If that’s a slotted inner shield like the other My-Steel belts then Roxy should be glad that you didn’t make it even harder by adding a plug or she might have as hard a time as Natalia did only without all the pinching.
Great idea! I will have a look to see if I can find a plug that fits in this belt!
That’s right, Roxy. You’re belted and you are hot.
I like this nice pink belt and the wire back crotch part is the safest.
How about putting her in a one piece swimsuit?
Don’t forget the steel shiny bra!