Natalia Forrest just loves the sun! Even though she hates chastity belts, she will accept any Deal to fly off for a week of sun! She doesn’t even care she will not be able to touch herself for a week, that’s how much she loves to sunbathe!
She always wants to take another girl though, to make her feel more comfortable and to have someone to chat to. Last time, she took the lovely Kayla Louise, remember this? This time we went to Madeira, and Natalia told me she wanted to take my studio assistant with her! I thought that was a very strange choice, but I know they like each other very much because they have met in my studio of course.
My studio assistant is the very lovely Anahí from Mexico (did you spot her in last week’s video?). She is known from the website cuffgirl.com. Remember when Cobie visited Cuffgirl Chrissy and Anahí? The girls had invited Cobie because they were curious about chastity belts. Ever since then, Anahí has asked me for a chastity belt, and after a while, we found out that Donna’s old red My-Steel was a perfect fit for her. Anahí has been spending a lot of time in the belt, because I want her to be belted whenever she works in my studio. But on this holiday, it was her first try at being belted for an entire week!
These two girls really support each other, so I was sure they would make it. I locked Natalia in a FancySteel, and Anahí in her red My-Steel of course, which would give them both some really crazy sun tan lines after a week! Check out the lovely pictures and video of this Chastity Holiday and come back next week for even more footage of this nice vacation! Fun in the sun! (or actually, no fun… they are in chastity belts after all)

10 comment(s) to “Natalia & Anahí – chastity holiday”
Earlier you said about your studio assistant:
“24/7 belting (even though she does not work for me 24/7). No toilet breaks. All bodily functions through the belt.”
Guess 24/7 was not an entire week after all :-)
Yes, I spoke too soon, we had to take a step back. But she is getting there!!
Good to hear :)
Great, so there will be hints of her belt in the future CuffGirl updates as well (:
I guess so! It was just like handcuffs but then in the shape of underwear :)
Natalia are the funniest girl at Chastitybabes and I don´t think she hates chastity belts. She just says so in order to protest!
Haha you may actually be right!
more belted bliss for these two chastitybabes
Madeira is portugal?
That is correct.