slave Y380 made it! 24 hours with two plugs! It was not easy. In fact, she was so exhausted at the end, she could only speak German when she was doing a status report. English was too much effort at that point. But I am sure a majority of the members here understand German anyway. If not, just let me know, I am sure someone can cook up some subtitles.
slave Y380 (which is OBEY spelled backwards in case you had not figured that one out) had been into chastity play for a long time. She never tried a chastity belt before this, but she does have 4 chastity piercings to padlock her labia. After this 24-hour experience however, she was totally convinced a chastity belt was a much better option. Her piercings do not allow her to shave properly, while a chastity belt does. Also, a chastity belt can hold plugs, and slave Y380 REALLY loves plugs! Especially 2 plugs!
She is really interested in getting her own My-Steel now, so let’s hope she will! Then she can remove those piercings and enjoy a much better plugged chastity FOREVER. Goal achieved: another woman turned into a chastity belt lover, this was 24 hours well spent!!

5 comment(s) to “2 plugs – she made it!”
Let’s get this lady a custom fit chastity belt, any belt she wants! She’s earned it.
Do you understand german ? That’s easy ! A chastity Belt is called … ein Kauschheitsgürtel ! Very simple isn’t it ? :-)
Only conclude that chastity belts is good for all women! Too bad so few get to try, but continue your good work Webmaster.
Ich verstehe Deutsch nicht…
Can translate it, if anyones interested =)