So Vanessa wanted to go outside in ALL of her gear. What a girl. She could barely sit straight in the car, but when we got to the park, she just took off! She loves walking!
And she made a lot of noise in all this gear. Especially the thigh bands are very loud (the chains from the belt to the thigh bands AND the padlock between her legs). Her collar was clearly visible, there was no way to hide this big sturdy collar. The bra chains were also visible, although they can pass as a necklace. We passed a lot of people, and no one even looked at us. Not even the loud noise was attracting attention. I definitely should take models out more, there aren’t many people who would actually know what she is wearing, and if they do, they are probably into it themselves.
Vanessa loved her walk so much, she just kept walking, until she realized that we had to walk all the way back too. Because that is where we parked the car. Amazingly, she did not have any problems, it was a long walk for a girl who is locked in chastity for the first time in her life! I have seen girls who had trouble with the belt between their legs, just walking for a few minutes. But Vanessa had thigh bands (padlocked together), a bra and collar, and she did not even complain once. In fact, I think she liked it so much, she wants to come back for a long term Chastity Deal!

8 comment(s) to “Vanessa R – the sound of thigh bands”
No trouble walking at all, not even in a double padlocking chain Style belt and with thigh bands locked directly together. And I thought the edges of the shield would rub even harder then with other belts which divide between the front and rear while slimming your in the middle. This is yet another trumped reason not to wear
Our Swedish girls are sturdy and of course Vanessa shall be back for a long term Chastity Deal! She dresses up nicely in chastity.
Lovely lady might give Donna a run for her money.
Good proof that everyday chastity works well! =)
peek-a-boo…I see it. It’s so shiny!
Very nice. Maybe next time she could also wear a ball gag. ;)
Nice model but not sure about 4th pic.. ((
10 ways to tone your inner thighs – you won t be able to walk the next day but your legs will look great