Kitty wanted to share with you the whole process she goes through when she’s getting ready to go out! Very interesting to see what she has to do to get ready.
She changes her belt to another type of FancySteel, but not before tightening her corset A LOT! Her corset and the belt will make her body very rigid, and she will be elegant with a perfect posture when going out. I imagine it’s not easy to bend over though! This is quite severe and rigid, and it’s great to see Kitty talk about it like she is completely used to this regime. She knows exactly how to dress in layers so no one will ever know she is wearing a super tight chastity belt and corset.
First, she takes about an hour to do her hair and makeup, like most girls. But her keyholder makes her wear her hybrid (steel and leather) FancySteel belt for this part of the process, because Kitty can not be trusted not to play with her pussy for this amount of time while she is doing her preparations. Then, when it is time to select her outfit for the evening, she will be allowed to briefly unlock her belt, tighten her corset and lock her favorite FancySteel onto her waist. It is all very tight, so her waist is an hourglass figure to enable her to wear dresses without revealing the belt. It is very clever, but it takes a little bit longer for a Chastity Babe to get ready. Still, as Kitty will agree, there is no reason for girls NOT to be belted all the time. Even when going out you can look stunning, and wear whatever you want to wear, just watch this very educational video and you’ll understand.
If you are a girl thinking about getting into chastity (yes, do it!), the videos with Kitty will be the best thing you have ever watched. It will help you and support you to make this big step, and Kitty will be happy to answer any questions in person, just leave your questions here, or ask her on Tumblr!

10 comment(s) to “KittyDenied – going out”
WOW! Kitty Denied is fantastic. Would really like to see chastity babes branching out with new and exotic models. It would even be great for them to incorporate other devices for the models to experience. For example how about letting the models experience some sensory deprivation with the use of BLACKOUT CONTACT LENSES covering their eyes to prevent them from seeing what is about to happen. Another idea is for adventurous models to experience some nipple torture/play with the use of GREEN ELASTIC CASTRATION BANDS stretched onto their nipples or different color NIPPLE BANDS to heighten the sensitivity of the nipples. Yet another idea would be to venture into some ponygirl play with a mistress and a submissive.
Please look for a different site that suits your interest better, this site deals with lady’s Who are willing to show that a belt can and Should be used as a Fashion accessory, these kind of unrealistic and dangerous scènes Should NEVER be shown on this wonderfull site
Disagree, there are no other sites that suit the interests with chastity belts.
This is the only quality CB site, so if it’s not here, it’s not anywhere.
MetalBondage is basically the same thing as this site, but with other restraints.
A lot of people want to see BDSM skits etc with CB’s.
They should almost make a third site for it.
Well done Kitty Denied. I wonder have you ever tried a steel chastity bra or are you willing to wear one for some time?
Thank you!
No… I have never tried a chastity bra, but that sounds fun! Maybe someday I will get one. :)
We are both fans of Kitty. We love how she makes her belt a fashion accessory.
Awwww thank you! I certainly like to show my belts off so I’m always looking for ways to use them as an accessory. Its not the traditional way to use a belt, but I suppose as long as its preventing me from sneaking in undeserved pleasure, it still serves a purpose. :) And might even catch the eye of other sluts and teach them that being belted is the way to go!
I love girls who talk and I love it when they speak direct and fluently. To me, these updates are worth 100 “mute” updates from earlier days. Don’t get me wront. I loved most of your models back then, but most of them just wouldn’t speak or if they did you heard that they had pre-learned lines since they weren’t native speakers. There were a lot of cool updates though and I ain’t trying to diss Ashley Bulgari, Irma, Jenny etc. because they are gorgeous models. I loved their picure sets and I almost fell in love with Jenny. But the difference was, they didn’t speak. So a video of 5 minutes sometimes grew dull within that 5 minutes. I actually prefered the picture sets over the video clips back then. With Girls like Cobie and Kitty though, you’ve taken the videos on this site to a whole new level.
Why don’t you re-do some of your old scenarios (f**ced belting, Dominique and her Mom, the whole fantasy updates with the three kidnapped girls etc.)with these girls who can speak, act and sell what thei’re doing. I’d love to see a fantasy story update with Cobie, Kitty and Sophia.
Hey Webmaster, Hello Kitty :D (sorry, you’ve probably heard that one a lot)
I have an Idea…maybe it’s crazy but… since you do have a keyholder of your own but aren’t wearing a belt 24/7, why not do a challenge for let’s say two weeks.
Now here is the clue:
As a 100% submissive it would be inapropriate to swich keyholders for that challenge but if your man did it, we, the members wouldn’t know that he didn’t let you out (e.g. for his own pleasure).
So why not eat the cake and have it by reactivating the double lock chastitybelt? Bring your man with you to Holland, have yourself locked up, give one key to the webmaster and the other one to your regular keyholder.
a first voyage now that she’s been belted….