Cobie was barely off the plane in Holland (after her job as a ChastityBabes.com promo girl in Munich), and she was already locked in her NeoSteel in my studio. Why the rush? Because I had a surprise for her, and I had been waiting months to show it to her!
On her previous visits, Cobie always considered herself lucky she couldn’t fit into a standard (cheap) chastity bra. Her boobs are simply too big for those small cups. So I had secretly (with the BIG help of a fan) prepared a custom made chastity bra for her. It is so awesome! Wait until you see this! Cobie could not believe I had a bra made that would fit her. The cups are huge! There was no excuse for Cobie anymore, she would have to wear a chastity bra this time!
I can not begin to describe how awesome Cobie looked in the bra. It was locked behind her back (instead of the front) and the huge metal cups were so sexy on her! It was tight on her, and there was no way she could touch her boobs! This is the first time in Cobie’s life she has worn a chastity bra (well except for the Carrara tryout), and she really wasn’t sure what to think about it. No access to her boobs, and a tight NeoSteel chastity belt as well… Cobie was starting to feel a little anxious about this Chastity Deal already.
Of course, the bra wouldn’t be very practical during the Deal. She couldn’t wear any of her clothes, and she would not be able to sleep (much), which we all know can ruin a Deal. So I didn’t plan to keep Cobie locked in the bra for more than just the first day, but I did not tell her yet. She was very worried and she did not know if I was serious about this GIANT chastity bra. It was fun to let her think about it for a few hours.
Don’t miss this update, this HUGE GIANT ENORMOUS chastity bra is the craziest thing you have ever seen, and you will not see it anywhere else! :)

13 comment(s) to “Cobie – custom chastity bra!”
Great bra. Bit pointy but the main thing is that it fits and does a good job. No push up bra needed any more. Looks good on her.
Cobie should get used to it and get comfortable to wear it 24/7. A lock on the back also makes it extra special since the lock is much harder to reach. Well done everyone!!!
Well, one of these cups are big enough to suit as a helmet for you to complete your warrior outfit! =) Why not a vikings helmet with horns?
Well, this bra looks crazy, but i like it! To bad that the lock is in the back. If it were in the front, it would be a lot more comfortable for her to sleep in.
If she had clothes on, you might think she had done a huge boob job! =)
Agreed: Quite the Madonna look. If they were less protruding and more anatomically correct then it should work, just have to find the right depth to girth ratio. Maybe Cobie’s mad because she’s out of excuses not to cheat on the deal.
I really like the voluminous design of this special bra.
Maybe the steel version is too heavy, however: a plastic edition could be a perfect fit for my cousin. Her boobs are still free and unlocked, which is not really compatible with the idea of chastity… :-(
Why not creating a “NoSteel Bra Line”?
And, by the way: will there be a NoSteel Male Belt?
This bra was made out of spare chastity bra parts and metal food bowls, believe it or not :D hahah
It’s not too heavy.
Food bowls to protect boobs, that is an other way of having boobs for breakfast. Like it. Also like that the lock on the back is hard to reach. Well done folks!
Good gracious…..I was waiting until P got here to comment. She thought the same as me…..you strapped mixing bowls to this girls chest. Pamela Anderson could wear that bra.
I like the update!!! First of all it is cobie and second of all I like the idea that she thinks she is trapped in it for longer then a day!
Great update!
Cobie has already looked too routined with chastity belts, that she definetely needed something that would meke her feel the adventurous ‘is THAT too much for me’ -feelings again!
Also webmaster shows wisdom when limiting the time how long you lock great models to surplus metal food bowls ;)
My favourite would be to see 60’s cone bra style chastity bra, or a chastity bra with fake erect nipples…
…while waiting for that, get us a picture how that experimental bra looks under a loose blouse!
Hey, will be there some update with Cobbie in this bra outside in public? I wonder how it looks like under regular cloths. Thx :)
Definitely, the next step for Cobie is a clothed walk outside. Perhaps following a clothed studio photo-shoot.
Now there are no excuses, not to wear chastity bra. ;)
finally something for the site made to fit her