At least it is sunny in Arizona! Time for McKenzie to get up and out of the house to get the mail!
Since it is an apartment complex, McKenzie and AnnaBelle Lee have to walk quite far to get the mail at the front gate! That’s good news for us! More good news is that McKenzie’s purple top is a little too short to cover her belt, especially when she moves around or bends over. Her belt is visible from the front and the back, but only a little. Only if you are a chastity belt enthusiast, you’d know what it was anyway.
The girls talk about lots of things while filming and walking to the mailbox, about porn clichés, dogs, and more. A car starts following them to get a better look, but the girls don’t care. They are enjoying the bright sun and the opportunity to get out of the house for a moment. McKenzie does not seem to have any problems walking in a belt, although she does comment that it rubs between her legs.
AnnaBelle has an interesting documentary style of filming, a change from the usual videos on this website, and it is great to realize these girls are on their own, thousands of miles away from me, still following the rules of the Chastity Deal contract for 24 hours. There is no script or directing, no one walking with them or telling them what they have to do or say. It is a free style Chastity Deal! Keyholder AnnaBelle is making sure McKenzie is alright, but other than that, they seem to be just friends and they get along great, chatting about lots of other things than just chastity belts!
I wish we had this climate over here so we could do more outdoor filming without wearing big coats or thick clothing! I need to get on with my Chastity Holiday planning! A few girls in a villa in Spain, in belts for a week, members/fans are invited to join us and we will all have fun! It will happen this summer!!

3 comment(s) to “McKenzie: getting the mail”
Remote deals have their own advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantage is no proper sizing, key in secondary padlock, etc. It is just not as I want it to be, but there are other advantages.
The word “cliché” is one of the few French words that English stole entirely without apology. I can’t easily think of another word for it. I guess resumé would be another, now that I think about it. Even in English it’s not uncommon to see the accent on them…provided the writer knows how to make an English keyboard do it!
She looks as if she could get used to that belt. Here is my tipp for her: If you’ll ever get married, wear a chastitybelt for your husband. Believe me. It’s worth it.