Yes, she was back in Holland again! After BoundCon Vienna, I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to invite Cobie to the apartment again! She stayed with me for 13 days and she really really wanted to be locked in a chastity belt ALL the time. She is like that, and that’s why we love her.
Her trusty NeoSteel had been waiting for her return since her last adventure, but Cobie also brought her very own custom made FancySteel with her. This was actually a very good thing, so she could alternate between belts in case the pressure on her hip bones was getting too much. The video clip will tell you a little more about this.
It was time to show this Australian girl some of our Dutch traditions. Things she had never seen before. Of course, this is the time of Sinterklaas in Holland, a holiday that is celebrated in the weeks before December 5th. Read that Wikipedia page if you are not from Holland, it will explain what is happening in the video clip. We went into town and actually saw Sinterklaas himself!! And a lot of Zwarte Pieten! Cobie was there in her FancySteel, witnessing it all in the crowd.
We also saw a windmill, another typically Dutch landmark of the town, and we bought a herring, which is very traditional as well (again, read those Wikipedia links if you want to have a clue about what is going on in the video!), and even Sinterklaas surprise eggs! Yes, Dutch traditions can be a bit strange, but Cobie loved every second of this! Look at her smile! And I loved showing her all of it, spending the day with her locked into that tight FancySteel!

14 comment(s) to “Cobie – Dutch traditions”
TGIF! Time for another update! Nice traditions you have in Holland! Here in Sweden we eat maatjesharing (matjessill) (as seen i the picture) around midsummer instead of in december. We eat it together with boiled potatoes and sour cream and some chives on the top. To this we drink lager and small shots of vodka or aquavit.
For christmas and easter (and the rest of the year) we eat different kinds of pickled herring (inlagd sill) witch is quiet similar to maatjesharing.
It isn nice to see Cobie so happy and i hope to see more of her i the future!
This is some cultural enrichment. I knew about the moors. We’ve recently had a lot of black face in America by people wanting positions believe it or not!?!
Have a good Sinterklaas.
It´s interesting with that barcode of the belt, it could be used for further lock-up actions, have a reader for it and see which rooms of the house the girl is in that she is allowed to visit at each time of the day. Have several girls locked up in the same kind of belt and different codes on them and give them chores around the house and report for the job by registering there codes in the reader. Then only the specific girl could do her specific job. A far wider way of thinking: adopt the system in regular jobs aswell and have the code for the girls to check in and out at work… Gives loads of options.
The barcode from FancySteel is a real barcode, it can be scanned with an app and it will spell something, a name or an owner’s name, or anything you want.
Do you have such a chip? =)
(well you are a kitten after all, ha ha)
The advertising for the Barcode option on the FancySteel belts is that you could use it to put on a TSR SLRN (Slave Registration Number) which are valid barcodes.
Naturally the options are endless, a QR barcode would be more interesting in my opinion, but it’s certainly an extra way to add kink to something so beautiful.
Webmaster, do you have any clear photos of the barcode that a barcode reader will actually read? Every photo I’ve seen is a bit too blurry…
You can ask Cobie about her belt on her Twitter https://twitter.com/C_O_B_I_E
OMG! 13 days with a woman like that. I would love to “borrow” her for two weeks – of course in a chastity belt! She is so lovely!
Well you should have come for a fan meet and greet, or at least a Skype session then, both options were clearly advertised during her stay, and some people have really enjoyed those events!!
Yes, finally an update with Cobie and I almost missed it since my internet was broken for a couple of days.
What a fabulous idea to show Cobie some Dutch traditions, well done webmaster.
I think not many of the chastitybabes would have chosen the herring.
I can absolutely recommend to use the opportunities for a Meet&Greet, even if it’s just for a couple of hours.
So I like to tell some more about my Meet&Greet with Cobie and the webmaster in November.
There were lots of handcuffs and other equipment I could use to restrain Cobie with.
One of my ideas was the theme of escape challenge. If you are using metal restraints you can’t usually escape without the key.
And even if you got the key it is quite difficult or even impossible.
Cobie tried her best and could indeed escape some extraordinary positions.
She is just so flexible, like for instance elbows touching behind her back.
Cobie is a real escape artist not only for rope bondage (at BoundCon) but also for metal bondage.
We talked a lot and I almost forgot to take some pictures or videos.
The Meet&Greet was a lot of fun.
Thank you Cobie and thank you webmaster.
Well, i saw on Cobies Twitter that she has been to MetalBondage.com where she has tried out (or will in the near future) the posture trainer! But it has not been published yet. Waiting to see…..
At least I could use some stuff that would fit Cobie. The manacles should really fit but there is no standard size for models and just some contraptions are adjustable.
We haven’t seen Cobie in a chastity bra yet. That was one of my questions. And the answer is – at the moment there is no chastity bra that would fit her gorgeous breasts, that’s a pity. I hope that will have changed when she comes back next time.
There is just one thing I can think of that could be just a little better – a Meet&Greet with two models.
Please don’t get me wrong the Meet&Greet was just perfect.
This is fun, great to see that Coby is just like anybody else.
Fun to be with, nice and friendly but with a great kink.
I hope she will consider to move here so she can become a regular.
hopefully this challenge will become harder for her, meaning spending a day belted with a wevibe then let’s see if she can do the same walk.