One of the most requested things here on ChastityBabes.com is definitely remote toys inside chastity belts. Which is quite evil, because chastity belts are frustrating enough, why do you want to see a girl vibrated and edged when she is already unable to touch herself!? You are some evil members! And that’s why I love you all!
Tina Kay is one of the most awesome girls I could have Challenged with this predicament. Why? Because she is a sexual animal. She is very focused on sex, all day, multiple times a day, in every way imaginable. Just look at her Twitter account. She is absolutely crazy. To put a multiple award winning sex addict porn star in a chastity belt would be incredibly interesting to watch. But to add a remote control vibrator… that is just taking it all the way to the top!
I had such a fun day! I kept buzzing her at random times, even during her lunch, and I found out that the highest setting would make her legs so weak she couldn’t even stand! I also kept her on low settings often, so there was no chance of forgetting the vibrator, but there was also no chance she could climax. She was frustrated beyond belief!!
Another fun factor was that this remote control is motion sensitive, but we both didn’t know what that meant, and in which modes it would respond to movements. I would often hold the remote, explaining something to Tina, gesturing with my hand unconsciously and she would scream with pleasure! It took me a while to figure out that I was actually causing those vibrations by moving the remote. At some points she even grabbed the remote out of my hands to stop me fiddling around with the settings. But even then she would accidentally vibrate herself at high power, before working out how to turn it off. Yes, we both neglected to read the manual. Oh well, much more fun like this!!

24 comment(s) to “Tina Kay – Vibration Day”
Chastity babes have to be tough girls. Not every girl can be a chastity babe. For the babes that that are able to endure a chastity belt, we love you!
Can she do an outdoor scene in motion sensitive mode?, let us see if she can make to the frontdoor.
I should have done this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIOdlAS-oMo
Polish your dancing skils webmaster.
We all love to see you dance
Let’s dance – put on your red shoes
and dance the blues….
/David Bowie
Webmaster, i have an idea,
I found a bluetooth vibrator that reacts from a cellphone that has been paired to the vibrator, place such a vibrator inside the belt of a babe.
Then with each update there is a lotery, the winner gets the phone number of this cellphone for one day.
The site is called http://www.ladyvibes.nl/shop/vibease-roze-android
It is a dutch site.
Yes there are several vibes on the market you can pair with a cell phone. We-Vibe comes to mind.
That phone idea is really great!
You already have a belt. All your missing is the vibrator and remote. The hula beads unit shown here costs $100-$150. Or you can get a Maia Wicked Wireless Contour Egg for as low as $30. Or if that’s too slim and not strong enough then you might like a 10 Function Magic Wireless Egg.
Your hyper sensitive. Tina here is in practice. The hard part is when it’s turned off before she gets to finish.
What about that We-Vibe 4. Wouldn’t it fit under the belt if it isn’t too tight?
If a you have a fancy steel belt it will fit, with this belt the labia is covered with a shield in a cup shape that fit perfect with a we vibe, other belts do not fit as well.
This girl need a tonne of steel to calm down! Put her in plate armour at once!
2 kilos of steel is probably enough for you, i have no doubts about that. You are already a nice little kitten as far i can understand. But Tina needs a tonne of steel, especially chains and (vibrating) plugs. And some whiskers!
It’s not as bad as you might think when Tina is used to vibrators and regular sex. It’s more about not letting her finish. Personally I expected there to be a loop hole here but it seems everyone likes to bring them to the edge and then stop.
Life video viewing would be nice when there is a button to stimulate and a slider to set the intensity all via the mobile internet available day and night. Whole internet can have fun and the subject never knows when the stimuli is coming. Evil but lots of fun!
I found a little fiction on storywrite.com and I thought it might interest you. It’s titled: The School for Girls by MileyCat
Just google it. pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3
Great! Belted with a vibe in public is one of my personal favorites. My I suggest a nice dinner? You would be amazed at the chances to vibe someone during a meal. Its great to watch her try to sit still and expressionless while ordering when she is being tormented by the other person at the table endlessly. It would even be a great chance to relieve the frustration with an orgasm, though she would have to be willing to have her reward at the table only, and in front of everyone. Which is most important, keeping your dignity, or getting release from the tormenting vibe?
I can see her expression in my mind. Like the upper middle picture of this update.
That was intended as a reply to Kinky Colonel about dinning out with a belt an vibe
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As I’ve said before money is tight and I can’t subscribe every month consecutively.
Vibration Day should be a national holiday.