Here’s a very interesting way of casting new babes for this website: one of you suggested on Twitter that I should get well-known UK glamour star Penny Lee over to Holland for a Casting! Penny saw this tweet and she was very curious! She contacted me, and I invited her over! Easy as that! So remember that if you want to see the girl of your dreams on this website! Just give her a slight hint!
Penny showed up in a gorgeous gown, and she was very nice to work with! She was asking lots of questions about the chastity belt, and what it would mean if you (the members) want to see her back for a Chastity Deal! I told her the Deal would probably be for 7 days in this belt (a chain style belt for a change), and she was very enthusiastic about making some money wearing this belt! She said ‘I hope the members want to see me locked in this tight belt for a whole week!’.
Penny looked absolutely stunning in this type of belt, it is more elegant at the front and the back chains are covered in rubber so they are very comfortable. Unfortunately it isn’t possible to wear this 24/7, so she would need toilet breaks OR I will just lock her in a rigid style belt (which is probably a better idea).
Let me (or Penny) know whether you want to see her back for a Chastity Deal! At least you can now watch her Casting, which I am sure will make at least 1 member very happy!! His favourite glamour model in a tight chastity belt! Dreams come true!

22 comment(s) to “Penny Lee – Casting”
Just a question about your chain style belts. Wouldn’t they be just as snug with the rear chains on the side rings towards the front and out of the way?
I think a deal sounds good only if she agrees to wear a bra too.
I think her boobs are a bit big for the standard bra.
Since it seems that you have had a few castings and deals that have had larger boobs for the standard metal bra’s, what about investing in a larger size for them?
I am on it!
Wow great update. I think just go for ridged back style belt. I like them better can stll got toilet only need cleaning breaks if needed. I always think chain belts or not as secure.if she naughty dare i say a metal bra too.
Worth the wait to see this..! Very happy you managed to get her over..
Would love to see her back for a week definitely..!
Wow, definitely gorgeous, ESPECIALLY with the belt.
Whichever style suits her best, a week-long challenge would be great, though I agree that a rigid belt would probably be best.
I’m personally not a huge fan of the bra or thigh bands, but a nice collar and ankle/wrist bracelets would look amazing !
She looks absolutely beautiful in that dress, and with the belt…. wow, is all that I can say !
Definitely another candidate (eventually) for a Dominique-style custom shoot / meet-and-greet !
I think you are right it should be possible to spread the rear chains. Making toilet breaks unnecessary.
Yes I know, but for first-time models it is not so nice to risk a messy week. Maybe I’m too nice.
I can understand not wanting to scare off any of the models.
Penny Lee should definitely get the 7 days chastity deal. Even if there are cleaning breaks necessary.
Would she be talking 24/7 as well?
Looking forward to see and hear more of her.
Id undo that belt with my tongue because I want to lick her tight little pussy
OH HELL YEAH!!! a collar too perhaps
she’s almost convinced to join; only a little push further
well done Penny Lee – a successful casting.
I vote that we invite Penny Lee back so that she can explore her “naughty little secret” further. Perhaps she would be a candidate for a walk around London at some future date as well?
She looks to be a natural; and it is refreshing to see a woman wearing a properly-fitting bra under her dress – it gives a vanilla contract to her stainless-steel panties.
More Penny Lee, please Webmaster!
This is a great addition. Very pretty woman.
Yes, yes, yes!!! And include the bra also please! Happy already!
Great work!
She is indeed stunning. I would love to see her belted and in a sheer bodystocking or sheer dress with some heels.
I’d love to see her back for a “full” challenge of a week. She really doesn’t seem to afraid of it already… What a great set of mind. And yes, I agree with a lot of the others here, let her try a rigid style one, those chains do make it a bit more difficult to do it without sanitary breaks as a shower clean would almost be necessary after every one.. I really DO hope you can get her back, looking forward to the news if you succeeded!!!
Great casting, shes absolutely stunning and seems really into it. Would’ve been great to see her in a week long chastity deal.!
Such a massive shame that you’re not getting her back.!