The Spanish landlord was full of surprises! He admitted he visited this website before I came to Spain (he was probably doing some research on me) and he was excited to have Yvette Costeau already there (and she brought her belt, which I gave to her last year in Spain). Chastity has certainly sparked his fantasies, and he was inspired to see my house rule for girls who want to stay in Holland. He decided to give Yvette a hard time by enforcing the same rule: she would have to be belted in exchange for a free stay in his house.
I was surprised to find Yvette already belted when I arrived, but I did not know she had been belted during the days before my arrival (with only a few short breaks). He made her work very hard, and even when she was not working (building, cleaning, shooting), she had to walk around in her belt, because he took possession of her keys.
Here is another video of one of those days, where Yvette (in a way too short dress of course) is walking around the house, with lots of upskirt shots in the blazing Spanish sun! Yvette did not really have any problems wearing a belt all the time, she is a very tough girl, and she has worked with the legendary Pupett for many years. She even likes being belted!! Don’t miss this fun video and maybe show it to your girlfriend or wife as inspiration ;)

10 comment(s) to “Yvette Costeau – another day in chastity”
The sunny climate of Spain might be quite aphrodizing. So it’s always a good idea to keep girls in such an environment locked and belted.
By the way: I think this website will have influence on my holiday planning for this year :-)
I have a nice quiet house just North of the actual City of London and I’m fairly certain, that my spare room would be on offer at an appropriate fee of nothing, for any lady, who wanted to stay in the appropriate underwear.
This is an offer that is hard to refuse, webmaster, next update in london?
An excellent idea; we could use the location to showcase the talents of a British lady.
The City location might enable us to look at a model in a professional suit, blouse and (as we move into Autumn) boots. Perhaps Ariel Anderssen might follow up her desire in Update 300 (a year ago this week) to wear the Carrara belt out under “vanilla” clothing as she walked among people going about their daily business.
Our new London double-decker buses also have TWO staircases, so the possibilities for photography from different angles would be multiplied,
Webmaster, I endorse this idea!
There are lots of places in the City, where you could film a girl and no questions would be asked, as they’d think it was someone videoing their partner or daughter.
This was filmed on the London Underground without asking first. The only rule they have is they don’t like flash, as it might distract a driver or other passengers.
I shouldn’t criticize since this is my most favorite website.
The description sounded very interesting, but the video is somewhat boring.
That is just my personal opinion. From a voyeuristic point of view, some people will like it, but I don’t.
I like girl-girl-talk or you talking to the girls more.
Yvette surely is very brave being belted for such a long time.
These updates are great!
Great update i live in uk too like london fan. I live in Wiltshire. Sound great idea i could offer the same as london fan
Whoever did the filming must have had a lot of fun.
I enjoyed the camera work as much as the subject. :)