Cobie’s stay was such a treat, she is lovely and she really WANTED to be locked in the chastity belt all the time! She did not even get any money for it (only for shooting MetalBondage), but she understood very well she had to wear the NeoSteel for as long as she was using the apartment. It’s like a very special AirBnB deal!
Cobie was travelling the world and by the time she got to Holland, she had seen many places, and stayed at some crazy accomodations, so she thought the apartment was great! Spacious and clean, and she got used to the belt within a day because it was such a perfect fit! It was tight on her hip bones, but all belts are, to prevent them from being pulled down. There was no anal opening since the anal cover was stuck, but she did not want to go to the toilet in the belt anyway. She tried peeing the first night (afraid to wake me up), but always asked me for supervised toilet breaks after her first try. Too messy.
Cobie is so kinky! She loves bondage, she loves a challenge (the bigger the better), and she would have loved to remain locked in the NeoSteel if she didn’t have to continue her travels (by plane). She asked for a belt within 5 minutes after arriving in Holland, and stayed locked for 13 days straight without any issues (except sleeping was a little hard the first nights). She was actually very sad when she had to take it off, and even laughed when I had seemed to misplace the keys (but we found them). I’m going to miss her, but I have a few funny videos and pictures left to show you!!

11 comment(s) to “Cobie – apartment”
Who is she? where did she go?
Cobie is an Australian bondage model, known from websites such as http://www.uniquerope.com/
As she poops with these days even with closed shield?
No. Please read my text again. If it’s not clear, let me know.
She’s a perfect chastitybabe, what a treat!
When you think about it, your terms for housing are clearly different. Often a woman would say, “If I stay with him, he’ll expect me to sleep with him. I wonder if I can stand him.” In this case she’ll always say, “If I stay with him in Holland, he’ll expect me to abstain. I wonder if I can stand that.”
Funny and true
Seen lots of babes belted…and…still…WOW!
There’s been lots of babes in the apartment…and…yeah…WOW!
Different kinds of belts over the updates…and…well…WOW!
I’ve had the opportunity to both hold keys and surrender keys. It’s a little closer now…cause…well…it’s hard to beat reality.
Don’t get me wrong…for a while there…
reality was pretty damn sweet.
But…dear god…look at her.
This is your reality all the time!
Yeah…gonna give you that WOW!
My previous comment didn’t say much about the actual update. In fact, it may have come across as a lot of gushing about the site in general.
See, here’s the thing.
We all spend a lot of money on a lot of things…
But for me…
My membership here is the only thing I feel I get more than my money’s worth…the only bill I feel happy to pay…the thing I look forward to the most.
My enthusiasm hasn’t plateaued or tailed off. I look forward to each new update more than the last….always wondering what you’re going to show us next.
I say that because I genuinely feel that…and expressing that may result in some gushing.
You’re going to have to bear with me. :)
With regards to the recent update. It’s adorable the way she is so relaxed with the static cameras but is modest when you came in.
I understand why I could hear the smile on your face…honestly…how can you not smile.
I played that song first thing this morning…and the smiling continued. :)
And no one around me understood why…
And that made me smile even more. ;)
Cobie is just SO sweet. Would so love to see a plug and especially a thigh band challenge. Might as well dream…in public.
Cobie is one that should come back for more updates