So I guess it is time for a little break from all the Donna/Couple updates. Some of you have requested to see Dominique’s outfit in full (without the silly Christmas outfit). We skipped over it quite quickly, but if you look closely you can see that the bra is now connected all the way to her thigh bands! These chains were always missing from the full chastity gear, and it’s actually good to finally have the complete chastity for any girl who needs it. That would be the more experienced girls, who have too much time on their hands to figure out how to get out of thigh bands, like Britanny demonstrated once. Although her thigh bands were much lower, we can not do that to poor Dominique, she loves short dresses!
From last Christmas on, I expected Dominique to be my assistant, but things did not really work out that way. She did help me with Misha, resulting in some / very / hot / updates, but she is no longer working in the studio. She will be back soon though, so if you have any requests for her, let me know!
She loves chastity and she is very submissive (I even taught her a submissive pose, but it felt wrong because she was my assistant too), and she will always be emailing or calling me to come back for more. I am very happy to work with such beautiful women who make the name of this site a true fact, not just some promise. Ono top of all that, she is an unbelievably kind person! Dominique will definitely always be at the top of my list!

20 comment(s) to “Dominique – complete chastity”
Wow, if I weren’t already a member, I would join just for Dominique.
I agree. She is beautiful!
Yes Dominique is smaller than the standard chastity bra size, but they can be resized even past this standard size to fit the most tiny girl.
Donna might have the most updates but really….
if Chastitybabes has a spokesmodel….
it has to be Dominique. :)
It’s funny, when she grabbed the D ring on the collar, I immediately looked at her forefinger to see if she did the same thing as Katie did on Metalbondage. :)
Seems like the type of playful thing she’d do.
An outdoor challenge while being plugged and shocked by Misha?
She is every man’s dreamgirl, sweet, cute and VERY sexy.
Great to see you back Dominique!!!
Running the chains through the D-rings means the thigh bands are constantly tugged on with every twist of the torso. while this can be pleasant at first, it can stat chafing the thighs pretty quick. a longer chain that’s locked at the belt or 2 chains end to end at the same point would keep the bands as high as needed while still allowing freedom of movement.
So until the thigh bands are pulled back up, the belt would be tied directly to the ankles via the garter chains. That would be a sight to see. but alternatively, the thigh bands are kept high as shown in this very update. Like the webmaster said, Dominique likes the short dresses.
CB 049 – Dominique is going out Same dress even!
I don’t know, she is not someone who would keep the same dress for 3 years, trust me ;)
Still. It’s nice to know she can wear them as short as she wants and the thigh bands just as high.
This is the proper standard safety outfit every girl should wear all time. Good protection. Love every bit of it. Hope Dominique will spend some time in it.
What is the deal with Dominique? Is there a challenge? It looks like the only thing that can be added is to connect the cuffs to the belt or together.
All she needs is a pair of long gloves locked on her hands and arms to make it a COMPLETE chastity!
A beautiful, amazing girl. I would love to see her in a locking ball gag/branks and mittens.
I don’t know. Wendy do you think sexually active girls should be given belts from their parents? I mean you probably don’t discuss your belt with your parental figures.
Hi everyone…
It’s always nice to read all the open minded views on this board ;-) However, I don’t think that chastity belts should be used to prevent teenage girls from gaining their first sexual experiences.
IMHO married women, especially when approaching the age of forty, are even more in need of being prevented from inappropriate intercourse. Like teenage girls, adult females may have a strong libido and a lack of self-control. And the point is: while teenage girls just experience a period of sexual learning, female adults should use their sexuality only to please and satisfy their husbands. Compared to males, women have a higher risk of connecting extramartial sex with deep emotions, what will surely damage their marriages. Furthermore, a woman’s sexual quality will definitely decrease if she is not fully focused on her husband’s wishes and desires. So protecting married women, at least after the first years of marriage have elapsed and a certain level of lustfulness has arisen, is surely much more essential…
To prevent misconceptions: of course, I’m not against chastity belts for young adults. This can also be very beneficial. For instance, my cousin’s My-Steel really rescued her university career!!! Without being locked up, my aunt would never have allowed her to move to Munich, where she obtained a college place. As a further example, a former classmate of mine forgave her cheating boyfriend after he agreed in wearing a chastity cage. So, chastity is definitely a great lifestyle for all kinds of adults (young, old, male, female). But it should not be used to harm young girls’ coming of age… :-)
Thank you for your kind greeting :-)
Although I totally agree with your rejection of parents locking their juniors, there is a certain grey zone (concerning adult sons and daughters): e.g., although my cousin wears her belt voluntarily, she would never have been allowed to move to Munich if she had refused… So, there is a certain kind of “soft pressure” which I find completely acceptable. This is even more the case when considering the benefits of her chaste life: she can spend more time for her studies than all her fellows, since she does not waste time with looking for boys or playing with herself.
I also appreciate your understanding towards husbands locking their wives because of cheating. You’re really open-minded :-)
I’m sorry for the things you experienced in the past. Fortunately this can impossibly happen again as long as you stay “armored”… :-)
Don’t worry about my cousin, she is adult already and she really wears her belt voluntarily. My aunt just would not have allowed her to move to Munich without being locked and protected, that’s all…
Since the distance between my aunt’s town and Munich is too large for frequent trips home, some worries concerning my cousin’s safety arose after she had obtained a college place there.
The primary intention behind her belting is to protect her from being molested or even sexually affected. As you may know, on students’ parties freshmen are generally considered as “easy prey” and unfortunately many of today’s students are far away from behaving properly.
As a further advantage, my cousin is kept away from hunting for boys and love affairs. This is quite important since she had wasted a lot of time by hanging out with boys when she was at highschool and even endangered her graduating.
Another point is the issue of masturbation… It seems that she has learned to turn her sexual frustration into useful energy and motivation for her studies, so there is even a mind-boosting effect of her chaste life :-)
The keys are held by her mother, with a very soft and liberal approach: each time my cousin visits home, she gets unbelted and stays unlocked until her way back home (she usually visits her mother three or four times a month). During this time, she is also free to play with herself without any limitations. The crucial idea behind this arrangement is to prevent her from getting asexual and loosing her natural emotions and desires (to ensure a minimum level of sexual activation even when she is not in mood for masturbating, she sometimes also gets locked behind a plugged shield).
So, as you can see, her chaste life is full of benefits and without any oppression. :-)
I want complete chastity gear!
I want to go shopping, wearing complete chastity gear, inserting anal plug and vibrator dildo.
a beautiful dream in metal, please more of these!
So she says “I am not in the mood to masturbate?”