Looks like our couple is going to make it! Damn these Chastity Deals are starting to cost me a lot of money, everyone seems to make it lately. Maybe it’s too easy?
Well, it was actually never really easy for Marloes and Stefan. They are 2/3 into their Deal and they were definitely having a hard time NOT getting turned on by the fact that they were unable to touch eachother and themselves! These two love birds just can’t stay away from eachother! So much kissing and touching, and after 20 days they even seemed more clingy and touchy than before! Frustration is building!
But they were still determined to make it, and they came in for their scheduled cleaning break. Without any further instructions, they took turns for a very quick shower, and locked eachother up again. They are so well behaved and nice! Almost makes me want to throw away those keys and leave them locked forever!!

21 comment(s) to “Couple Deal – day 20”
Never throw away the key! You have a contract and these two young lovebirds absolutely deserve to be unlocked on schedule. I return to my earlier suggestion; should we perhaps offer to sponsor a locked marriage ceremony *IF* ad *WHEN* they move on to marriage? With the keys left on the bridal bed in the evening *OF COURSE*!
These two young people are to be congratulated for their openness. Stefan has really found himself a determined lady. Marloes knows what she wants and they complement each other beautifully.
Wendy, I would respectfully disagree with your observation about submissiveness (you may react differently when your man locks you in your chastity belt); but these two approach each other as equals (once Marloes had, of course, sprung the original surprise on Stefan!!!)
Well done to our two Dutch Locked Up Lovers.
A locked marriage would make it a very special occasion and more special than most of the guests would guess. After the marriage ceremony it should be safe to let them have the keys that night. Like the idea.
This couple loves their chastity belts! They look happier while locked up!
Well actually if you watch the video, their dialogue doesn’t seem to be as happy as on the 3rd day! They are quite snappy, but maybe that’s lost in translation.
Let´s try some kind of brainstorm ideas. Maybe we could find out some interesting deals.
At least add something to the outfit. The bra is always a very nice and shiny item to add.
How about a familydeal? Mother and father (husband and wife) plus all their children (if they are over the age of 18 years old of course) plus their boy/girlfriends if they have any! And grandma and grandpa could keep the keys in a safe place. The total chastity deal over generations.
WendyNeko, why don’t you challenge some(or all) of your classmates at school? You would be the perfect keyholder!!
I thought it would be Stefan. I know he said he had worn a cage but that gotta be easier. I mean there’s nothing around your waist to get used to.
And Marloes had a belt, even if she never wore it that long.
I thought that would be the difference. I really didn’t think Marloes would want to quit first.
It’s not lost in translation Mr. Webmaster. Her words, tone and body language are obvious.
She’s frustrated!!
Mmmm….Yummy :)
So….Marloes wanted to quit.
Stefan had to talk her out of it.
The look on her face between 2:05-2:08….She doesn’t want to put the belt back on.
It’s not often you get to see someone putting a belt back on that they really don’t want to wear.
Kinda feels like a more cooperative version of forced chastity. :)
It might help with support from a friend, but it’s a lot worse if it’s someone you want to have sex with.
If you’re by yourself you can try to put sex out of your mind, focus on other things.
But if you can snuggle and cuddle, kiss and caress, touch and feel….
Yeah….you’re not putting that out of your mind.
A constant reminder of what you can’t have….
That frustration can be maddening….
Deliciously maddening on this side of the camera.
Peel’em like a grape maddening on the their side of the camera. :)
Yes, that is in the planning soon. A couple where the girl is belted and has to earn her freedom by performing sexual acts (with her mouth). She can earn tokens for every blowjob until she collects enough to be unbelted. This may be too hardcore for some members though…
You will get no objection from me. :)
In fact, society’s getting a little more progressive and understanding all the time….
The couple doesn’t have to be of different sexes….
Just putting it out there. :)
While you are correct, that’s only half of what I meant.
What the webmaster is talking about doing is what some people who play chastity games actually do. I don’t think it’s offensive, it’s a natural extension to have what real people do on a website about real chastity.
I also meant people are more accepting of what constitutes a couple.
There are some people who’ve said they don’t really want to see male genetiala here.
But if the webmaster knew a woman who wanted to do this with her girlfriend….
Still all the fun and games but with no penis.
I think it’s something worth considering….just wanted to put it out there.
So you…ah….kinda dropped a bombshell.
I mean….no one’s ever had an orgasm on CB before.
Natalia made some beautiful noises in her plugged updates but I think it was just enough to make her truly frustrated. Not orgasmic.
So now you’re thinking of belting a babe….no time limit….instead she has to repeatedly pleasure someone else to earn her release.
That’s a slightly massive development.
So many firsts for this site all in one….I thought the comment section might explode.
But it’s oddly quiet….
Didn’t expect that.
I estimate most of your chastity deals difficulty levels range from “Fun” to “Easy/Simple” that can be accomplished by any Beginner or Novice Submissive in BDSM with little to no effort.
The only exception I see (and the most challenging deal on this site) is the double-plugged challenge with Jade Indica. That deal appears to be “medium” in terms of difficulty suitable to test “Intermediate” players.
All your scenarios so far are a kid’s playground for Experienced, Advanced, Senior & Expert/Master players.
It appears both the male and female chastity belts are a continuous-crotch “Model T-3” steel chastity waistband belt, Chinese made.
Both the male and the female version of these belts can fitted to retain a front and rear plug. (Male: butt plug latched on the secondary anal slot and hollow urethra plug screwed inside the penis tube — Female: a vaginal and butt plug latched on the secondary long-slot)
If this couple will pass this challenge, the next challenge would be to lock the couple with plugs, or double-plugged both! (I suggest small plugs as they aren’t long enough to be sexually gratifying, but big enough to interferes just enough that you cannot get past it but not so large that it gives a full feeling. Basically, SMALL plugs are just the right size to be intensely frustrating when trying and get around them. Comfortable for extended wear and not painful at all. Always felt shifting and penetrated, but Not gratifying one bit. very devilish!!!!
How safe was Stefan CB? Could he pull out his thing?
No he could not.
Would you please let me know what is his CB brand and where ca I get one like that? Thanks.
It is from http://www.steelbound.co.uk