Haha, everyone thinks Donna is such a sweet little innocent girl, but watch out! She is very clever and not so innocent after all! I caught her playing with herself when I came to collect the data from the static cameras!! The first time in all those years she felt comfortable enough to play with her breasts! It was actually quite nice to watch, and no harm was done, since she was still in the belt.
Still, I felt like this was the right time to punish Donna for her behavior, since it gave me a reason to introduce the most requested addition for Donna this year: a chastity bra! No more touching those perfect boobs! The bra is very tight on Donna, as it was all those years ago when she was locked in a pink bra, and it is a moment she was fearing since the start of this Deal. A chastity bra is not easy to wear, it limits the expansion of the ribcage (breathing becomes more shallow), and it is impossible to sleep on your belly.
But as the more hardcore members will probably say: “it’s her own fault, for being such a naughty girl”. Donna was totally surprised by my punishment. As she told me later: “I don’t know if I am going to make it with this bra added! I thought you were going to take off the collar, not ADD something!”. Poor Donna, no more playing, what is she going to do now?

19 comment(s) to “Donna – punished”
I feel very sad about the added discomfort I can’t see any one cluster-phobic being able to wear that for any length of time, even the belt would be a push but this one is ergonomic even though it’s pressing under her belly.
I thought you already knew her well enough to know if a chastity bra was warranted. That she could gratify herself by stimulating them, what a cheat. If a bra can be comfortable enough like that latowski, I wonder how long she could last without the ability to stimulate herself in that way.
Any well fitting chastity bra would be just as tight around the ribcage. If it is primarily comfortable, then the wearer can cheat.
Not easily but they can. :)
I might have an answer to the problem with tight bras. My-Steel offers an added security measure for loose belts. It’s pa anchoring chain with a ring on one end and washer on the other which runs through the tube and ending at the secondary locking pin between the two front shields. Carrara also offers an anchoring pin with their belts, so if a girl is already pierced, simply order a pair of pa pins and padlock protectors and drill nipple holes in the cups.
Great to do at home if you’re into that.
Expensive, elaborate, time consuming and almost sure to make Donna quit and leave if you’re doing it for a photo shoot.
You could always just let her play with her nipples, get worked up and not be able to bring anything to completion.
If you’re into that. :)
Of course, there’s something to be said for having them squished up in a bra too.
In all her time here, I’ve never seen Donna try to play with herself.
Well, now I have.
That little smile she gets during the attempt is amazing.
Okay, okay, you got me. I’m subscribed again ;)
Comfortable enough? Seriously please explain
Comfortable in the apartment, even knowing (but forgetting) there are cameras.
What a naughty girl
I hope the bra will be on for a long time now
I know, I’m representing a minority here, but I don’t want Donna’s breasts locked away. First of all, they are way too beautiful. Secondly, a chastity bra will give her ugly bikini stripes (after all, it’s summer) and finally: She is your number one chastity babe. She should be allowed to touch her breasts to her heart’s content.
I’m not a fan of chastity bras either Mac. But I am a fan of punishment (in a nice way).
If that punishment is a bra, then a bra it is. :)
Everything in life is a matter of perspective.
I understand that, but my oppinion’s still different from yours.
I do love chastity bras but that doesn’t mean that I wan’t everybody to end up in one. I also love thigh bands – but again, I don’t want everybody to end up in them, either. If you just add all chastity gear available to any model on any update on this site, the whole thing would become dull.
To my mind, Donna is “the girl with the belt” (just my personal opinion, nothing more).
semiotically speaking, when puting a bra on a girl who’s already wearing a belt, the bra does not simply “add” to the belt, it also takes something away (I’m not sure if anyone can follow me here but this is the way I see it).
So please don’t get me wrong:
I love seeing girls in chastity bras – but theses are other girls… not Donna.
I love seeing girls in thigh bands – but these are other girls… not Donna.
There are even girls I’d love to see in a belt plus a minimalistic, yet lockable blind folding device (since eyes can also be a powerful sexual organ that can be stimulated – and it creates a nice situation of unwanted dependence, if you’re into power exchange plays) – but these are other girls … not Donna.
I was taking a look at the update and checking to see how long Donna has been belted, and is it just me, or does the phrasing make it seem like she left?
“Donna was belted for 30 days!”
Noticed this as well!
Maybe the keys got lost and Donna is belted a bit longer in this nice chastity gear. I don’t mind… :)
You are right, it slipped my mind. Pity there is no opening at that strategic location.
What a beautiful appearance. Love every detail, the belt, the collar, and that nice shiny bra looks really great on Donna. Now she is also properly dressed for a nice day on the beach and a walk on the boulevard in her steel bikini and collar. Love her!
Her punishment is my reward! Steelbras are in my opinion very sexy! Girls who does not like chastity could use steelbras sometimes for shorter periods, just in order to make her partner more exited. I would not mind.
Where is Donna?