Here is an update from day 7, when Donna wanted to go for a ride in my car to take her out of the city to enjoy the flat Dutch countryside. The belt and the car seat were not a real good match so we did not drive too far and we ended up near a highway where Donna wanted to flash her belt to the traffic (lol).
It was pretty windy and (of course) too cold for Donna, and the traffic was pretty noisy! So after a nice walk we decided to move again, away from all the sounds. We ended up in a different bit of Dutch countryside, with no traffic noise, but the smell was incredibly overwhelming! Real farm animal smell makes you realise you’re not in Amsterdam anymore! It was all a bit much for Donna, all these smells and sounds!
But if you ignore those two senses, you still have an important one left: sight!! And what a pretty sight Donna is, especially this year! She is so radiant in her collar and belt! Her sweet little smiles and naughty eyes always seem to betray her, even when she acts like the metal gear is bothering her. It really isn’t. And I have some apartment footage to prove that she is completely comfortable, to be shown here soon! Stay tuned and – in the meanwhile – enjoy Donna’s field trip!

6 comment(s) to “Smells and sounds”
Hi Donna,
A positive about the belt, I do like the back side of the belt, it looks sturdy, unfortunately it is hard to wear in a car bacause i hope to see more of you outside.
Thank you for sharing your chastised day to day life with us.
Hopefully you will wear another belt further on in your challenge.
I do however have a negative note for the manufacturer, the front end reminds me of lego, i hope the next one looks better and is better wearable.
You have to admit that it enclosures the genital area very well though. From all the angles I’ve seen it certainly seems to be formed to her body very tightly.
The webmaster’s use of plastic #’ed tags is also interesting.
It’s very difficult to break a metal lock but very easy to break a plastic one.
So the only thing that keeps you from reaching down and snapping it is the fact that the person who put you in the belt will know.
So you’re not being physically stopped from doing so, you have to resist the urge to do so.
Of course unauthorized breaking of the seal could result in some sort of punishment. :)
I agree, the plastic padlocks are an interesting alternative for sealing the belt.
I like the fact the belt she is wearing now can be locked with the plastic lock only. Unfortunately the Neosteels can’t.
The little #’ed tag dangling there is a cute little twist all its own.
Her smile is so sweet, you really should provide insulin with the update.
That naughty look in her eyes though, that’s a different kind of sweet. :)
Flashing the belt in public and not caring that your in it. Whats the world coming to?
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