So many girls are writing to get a Casting, I decided to create a new Casting contract. From now on, if you are doing a Casting, you will be locked in chastity for the rest of the day and a night. The wonderful Nikki was the first to try this new format, and she was actually looking forward to it!
Nikki is a wild girl with an amazing body and great hair! She was wearing a little black dress when she came in, but I told her to add some thigh high boots and long gloves, since this was requested by some of you (you know who you are!). The boots and gloves were locked on with cuffs of course, so I had to lock her into a collar as well (or it just wouldn’t look right). After all this locking, Nikki was ready for her Casting.
With the help of a lovely shoot assistant (not Dominique, but if you look closely you can see her in the reflection of the bra), Nikki was slowly transformed into a Chastity Babe. There was not much she could do, except watch herself getting locked into a chastity belt and a chastity bra. After all, she signed the Casting contract! Nikki would be going home with my shoot assistant for the rest of the day, but I kept the keys. The apartment was already taken by another girl, so I just gave them a camera and told them to go home and film the rest of the day, with the added condition that Nikki should go out in public at least for an hour!
It’s great to have some people who help me with this website! It is crazy busy at the moment! I will need more shoot assistants who can take a girl home for 24 or 48 hours. email me if you are from Holland and if you are able to host a Chastity Babe for a day or two. Only serious applications though, last time I got so many strange emails!

27 comment(s) to “Nikki – belt and bra”
Nikki is probably your fifth (at least) model from the Czech Republic. Considering the countries small population (about 10 million) it is a high percentage. Other countries with the same/similar (like Greece, Austria or Sweden) population does not have any representation at all.
How come that there are so many girls from that country on this website? Do you like them better than girls from other countries, or do you get more requests from Czech Republic then from other countries? Could the webmaster answer that question?
Personanly i think that the czeck girls are great. Specially Jenni C! And Nikkis outfit is awsome.
Ingrid and Pling are from Sweden!
Pling is from Sweden, but she has never done a casting or a chsatitydeal for this website. Ingrids originin has never been confirmd, she has only been described as a “girl from scandinavia”. She could be norwegian or danish. Or swedish.
Fact is that girls from the Czech Republic has a big representation on this website. I have nothig against them since they are hot! I am suprised that for example there are few models from the big countries of europe. Like Germany,Poland, Spain, Russia or Italy (besides donna of course). The exception is Great Britain. Roule Britania!
Seeing the video…?
Has Wendy FINALLY become a member?!? :D
I agree Wendy, it is the one and only DONNA! ( at least i hope so ). I really miss her.
Nikki WOW you look amazing i really look forward to your outdoor scene, hopefully wearing a mesh see through fabric.
Hope to see you back soon.
It’s not Donna :)
Who is it then, Please do tell!!!!
It’s not Donna :D
Yes who?
Ah ha! It’s very clear who the helper is to me. Lovely! If I lived in Holland I’d be knocking on your email door!
Also ich Fand die Spiegelung im polierten Edelstahl ganz nett. Da ist doch auch mal ein Danke Schön an die Mitarbeiter angebracht.
English, bitte! =)
yes, more of these updates please
sounds amazing can a curve female sign up xx
The 80s look is amazing! I request more!
I can clearly see the woman put the bra on Nikki but I either don’t recognize her or can’t place her face. Honestly, it kinda looked like your assistant was Famke Janssen.
Ok you got me there :)
Famke Janssen would be a dream chastitybabe to me even if she has turned 50. She is still going strong. In my opinion she is the best female Bond villan ever. Pretty, sexy and verry deadly in bed! They who has seen “Goldeneye” understand what i mean.
Unfortuneatly i don’t belive Mr. Webmaser when he is stating that it is Ms. Janssen. I need more proof than a blurry reflection. And it’s not Donna either.
It is Little Caprice you see in the reflection!
Is the assistant Amarantha? (I’m just guessing, obviously.)
LOL, no, it is not a Chastity Babe. That’s why you could never guess it, but it was fun. She is my shoot assistant and a good friend of Dominique.
Next assistant wendy neko?????
If your assistant would be OK with it, I’d love to see her in frame belting one of the babes. There’s something distinctly erotic about one woman putting a chastity belt on another, then walking away with the keys.
If she’s up for it I’d be OK with that as well but with a twist. I’d love to see another update like #40. I think the mental aspect is so much more powerful than anything physical and #40 was a quietly powerful update.
Is it not a requirement by the webmaster that all women who are on the premises, must wear chastity belt?
If it´s not, it should be!
That’s correct ;)
She is absolutely beautiful, and the bracelets are the perfect touch. I love the boots and gloves. The collar is a must-have, it really complements her pretty face and hair. Hopefully she can be put on a nice long leash that will limit how far she can wander off. She deserves a bit of time in a branks/ball gag too….just to teach her how important silence is. I hope she can’t get the shoes off with those gloves on, the shoes should be secured too. An amazing woman, hope to see more of her.