After failing to retrieve the key in the safe challenge, Jessy and Regina agreed to allow us to film at their home for the remainder of their 24 hour challenge. These girls share a small apartment, not very luxurious but it’s cozy. It was straight to bed for these two because it was getting late.
The next morning they are slow to realise that they are still belted. Not just that, they belts are very very tight, and the sisters are a little worried about how much the waist bands have been pressing into their skin overnight. Forgetting all about the challenge, they immediately want to get out of the belts. They try to help each other, even using a pair of earrings as a lock pick, but nothing seems to work getting these frustrating metal devices off.
Blonde Jessy even gets a little emotional as she thinks about the 9 or 10 hours that are still ahead of them. It is sad to see her like that, but her big sister hugs her for comfort and tells her they will get through this together. Wearing a chastity belt is more of a psychological thing than a physical thing, and that is very true!

10 comment(s) to “Jessy and Regina – early morning”
If you do and film real long term CB wearing, what wouldn’t you do, in Metalbondage for instance, real long term (overnight, a whole day) steel bondage? I know all devices couldn’t be worn (some are too uncomfortable, even dangerous for long term wearing), but why couldn’t a model sleep in a fiddle, or a rigidstock, in heavy chains?
Oh forget Forestier, that sounds disturbing. On the other hand these girls are epic and I hope they write or talk more on their own about how they feel.
Perhaps Carie or another girl (sarah from blog) could hold interviews.
To me, it appears less disturbing than girls being whipped or fucked as one can find on other sites (even if it is not real). Even than clamped nipples…
Just a question…
Do you think that a girl must close her own chastity belt?
As long as she doesn’t have the key, I don’t mind that she closes it herself. However, not all belts can be closed without having the key in which case someone needs to close it for her.
maybe the most erotic part would be to see the girl give away that very key.
By mail , to a friend …. well let your imagination go wild.
a photo story with CB , the girl looking herself in and sending out the mail to her keyholder … the mail getting lost *.
or the friend that reconizes what it’s all about and takes advantage of the situation.
denial then plugs locked in some electro play , a few forced orgasms with a remote vibe without the girl being able to access the vibe.
Is it me or am i the only one here with such ideas? :p
I think I can understand your feelings, Percy, but I do not share them.
I love that idea.
Another question: do these sisters always share the same bed?
I have recently joined this site and I found this video of Jessy
and Regina very erotic to watch. I wonder just how long it would take the frustration to really set in for the two
sisters when denied all forms of sexual gratification by their
chastity belts. My partner,Lynn,often makes use of the CB3000 or
CB6000 to keep me ‘out of mischief’ and I am craving release after only a few days! Would it be the same for a female?
Any opinions on the subject would be welcome.