Dominika is another of our initial casting girls, even emailing us before the website started. She had no idea what she was getting into! In all her youth and innocence, she just wanted to be picked for something, even a chastity babe casting! She really is the kind of girl that hopes you will like her.
So we will let our members decide. Download the video and picture set of this casting and please comment below: does Dominika belong in a chastity belt? Does she look good when she is denied any sexual activity, her private parts locked away safely? Should she be given any challenges? If so, which ones?
For this casting, Dominika was belted for about 3 hours. She had absolutely no problem with it, and to be honest you would not even notice it either if she was wearing her shorts and top over the belt. Still, she was curious about how the belt looked on her, so she took of all her street clothes and checked herself out in the mirror. She was especially interested in how the back would look with the ‘special hole’ as she called it.
The video clip contains a special closeup twirl as Dominika lets us gets a close view of how the belt fits her body like a glove!
Dominika is a sweet girl and she is really hoping for some comments, she will be sitting at her computer at home today, reading your thoughts, and hoping she will be one of your favorites.

9 comment(s) to “Dominika – casting”
- Dominika – playful | Chastity Babes - [...] her first real shooting after her Casting, Dominika is feeling more confident already. Her previous belting lasted three hours,…
She’s very cute and definitely belongs in a chastity belt. So three hours wasn’t a problem… let’s see how she will handle one week, although that will take some time to get used to wearing for that long.
Hi Sarah
you seem so keen on Dominika being belted – perhaps you should lead by example and volunteer for the photo shoot – you scored quite a 11 ‘likes’when you mentioned your Tollyboy which is much more than anyone else has scored Come on..its not fair thinking of you all locked up in the dropped waist belt and not able to see you…..be a devil and do it!
Lock her into thigh bands and chastity bra already… What are you guys waiting for? :p
I have to say, a chastity bra would look excellent on her. Those pointy nipples of hers are sexy, but they may give her too much pleasure to be on display!
I think she’s done the best so far at wearing something that will hide the belt. Maybe she ought to take it out on the town. ;)
You said she had no problem with it BUT that sweet smile and innocent look from her casting photo in the blog was GONE. :)
Any chance of doing a set with that cute dress she had on in the blog…and smile a bit!
Dominika, why bother hiding your chastity belt? Wear the belt longer, you look very comfortable locked away!
I think you should consider wearing the belt for a week. And let us know how it went. However, as already mentioned, the precast-pictures: the innocent smile should now be even more “innocent”. No-one can touch you now.
Not yet… But with the chastity bra, you’re becoming ‘invincible’. We’re waiting for that one ;)