Hmm, a chastity belt with a plug inside. Isn’t that actually a paradox? I mean, it is a device preventing arousal and self-stimulation fitted with an implement doing just that. It is time we find a new word for a chastity belt with a plug inside. How about ‘arousal belt’? I am sure you can come up with better terms in the comments below!
Natalia was still a little (much) angry at me for not letting her out. Well, she did not really want out, all she wanted was make some money to go shopping! She tried to storm up the stairs, pretending she wasn’t speaking to me anymore, but that had a surprising effect: stair climbing gave her an incredible sensation! It appears the plug moves just right when you’re climbing stairs!
Not willing to admit her arousal, she turned to me and (badly) acted her frustration about me following her up the stairs with a camera. On the landing at the top of the stairs, Natalia had to lie down to calm herself. But that didn’t really work, as neither frustration or arousal can be easily taken away by slowing down. Natalia kept complaining, and even tried to break the belt, but between every remark she had to stop from herself moving her pelvis (and the plug) to get some more pleasure. This must be hell for a girl, 48 hours of this state between anger and satisfaction. Natalia was dripping wet, I think she must have been for 2 days straight. Better hydrate a lot when you’re in a plugged Chastity Deal!!

18 comment(s) to “Natalia Forrest – plugged – frustrated and aroused”
@1:09, Natalia asked 3 questions, for the record, my answers are ‘yes, no, yes’.
Since Natalia is kept on the edge of…orgasm…anger…arousal…frustration…sanity (well, maybe a little) and this is a new type of edging, how about “The Edge”.
An “Arousal Belt” does sound less intimidating though. Yeah, arousal, that sounds easy! :D
It’s a “training belt”…as easy, as it is… to keep her aroused, and train her, not to do anything about it ;)
can’t agree with that name. “Training” in BDSM context means operant conditioning i.e. positive and negative reinforcement/ punishment.
I like Arousal belt but training belt is also a good option.
Prod rod
“Arousal Belt” sounds fantastic, a new phrase has been created, well done!!!!! I think this actually has some staying power, lets all start using that……
edging belt.
This belt appears to have a beautiful anti-tampering effect built in, shown nicely at the end of this video.
Vigorous attempts by the wearer to remove the belt result in intense waves of stimulation which rob the wearer of the ability to attempt to remove the belt.
Yep, nice description. I’ll probably never get tired watching Natalia in her predicament :-)
I was hoping that people who aren’t yet a member might read it and find a little extra enticement to join if they’re able.
The more we support the Webmaster, the easier it will be for him to provide us with scenarios like this. Then everyone wins.
Even Natalia….just not for 48 hrs….well kinda… :)
How about, the “horn-o-belt” or “frustrat-o-belt” or simply “prod-o-belt”.
Bravo Natalia.
I want to give put some metal balls in her vagina.
Are you talking about the kind that Clank like Ben wah balls?
I like “edging belt” but “unchastity belt” might also be appropriate.
If you guys are so excited about edge play, why not just insert a wireless vibrator and lock it?
One of the joys of metal bondage is holding the keys to the models release. Without them she is trapped with no way out.
Now suppose a model had all the keys she needed (bar one) but was unable to use them…. Make the model one who is good at moaning and complaining (like Natalia) and you have a great scene.
Each key could be locked on under the next item locked on. For example, the key to the chastity belt (preferably plugged) is placed under the chastity bra which is locked on. The key to the bra is locked on under a collar, that key is locked under a wrist cuff, that key under the other wrist cuff and so on….
Now the model has all the keys but the last one. That one could be the source of a treasure hunt, mailed to her, frozen in ice, mixed in with a lot of other keys, etc etc. Until she has it she is trapped despite having all the other keys. When she gets the last key she still has to take everything off in order and, in this example, cannot remove the belt and plug until everything else is removed.
Include a scolds bridle to the mix and you could have one very frustrated model!!
I like edge-belt. More simple and direct.
Chastity belts as so full of nuances…. I wonder how many that comment on this site have actually experimented them on their own skin.