It is about time to let Donna go, as hard as it might be. Over the past week, she could be seen packing and repacking her little red suitcase, doing her laundry, and messaging Italian friends and family members.
Donna will definitely fly home soon, leaving the belt behind (believe me, I tried). I have to say she did exceed all expectations I ever had of a girl wearing a chastity belt. She made it to over FIVE times the initial contract length, she tried a plug (twice), she totally and utterly got used to wearing a custom made tiny red My-Steel belt, and she did not (I can vouch for this) have any sexual pleasure or satisfaction for over 160 days!!
She is number 1 on the Babes page, by sheer number of updates, but she is also number 1 in my book for being herself, much more so than on her first visit 2 years ago, allowing me to document her life for the whole world to enjoy. Donna herself is thankful too, for the opportunity, the money, the apartment and food and drink. She wasn’t really able to find any work in Amsterdam though, so she doesn’t walk away with any cash.
I am very hopeful she will contact me again next year (around April / May), as temperatures start to rise again, and money is low. But you never know, she might find a job in Italy (or worse: a boyfriend). We may never see her again. There is still plenty of Donna content that I want to show you, but there’s also some other exciting Deals happening soon. So stay tuned for some incredible new developments, as well as some very creative member requests!
To be clear: Donna is not gone yet. But she definitely won’t be here for Christmas, and she may even leave as early as next week already! Any last requests (members only) can be posted below!

20 comment(s) to “Donna – growing restless”
Thank you so much Donna, you will be rememberd in the chastitybabes Hall of Fame as THE one girl to set their standards to, you were just you no acting, you let everyone see who Donna really is.
And most of all any girl can see that can life their live belted, you have proven that!!!
Thank you so much and hope to see you some day soon on this site that is.
Donna, could you send an update to all of us a few weeks after your return to italy?
So we can see how you are doing back home.
I hate to request anything of you or Donna as you’ve both been so amazing already. The reality however is that she may not return and then the question can’t even be asked.
I was wondering if she could try on the Fancy Steel belt for a couple of pictures just before she leaves?
I’m sorry, I sent off the FancySteel to Australia to get a waist liner fitted. The bare metal belt wasn’t suitable for Chastity Deals, so the manufacturer offered to fit a silicone liner. It may take a while to get it back from the other side of the world, but if it arrives in time I will try. I won’t let Donna out of her My-Steel until the last minute though :D
By waiting till the very last minute to unlock the belt, then trip to the airport, waiting, the flight, waiting for luggage, trip home, friends and family want to see her…..
Even once she has the belt off, it will still be quite a while before she could touch anything :)
A little bonus chastity for a job well done :D
I would love to have her back, and if her life doesn’t change (job / relationship), she probably will be back. So it will be 6 months of pleasure, and 6 months of NO pleasure every year ;) That would be awesome.
Only 5 more days to go, and Donna passed 6 months. Impressive – especially thinking that it is the second time she is belted. Not many girls have done that I guess.
Could not count…. 15 more days – sorry, for the mistake
We all thank you for what you have sacrificed have gotten this far, But I especially thank you for accepting the various challenges along the way.
You are a very attractive young woman. Maybe not to yourself but looking in the mirror and knowing so would make it all the more difficult to have given up sex for such a long time. Months which cannot be gotten back, but can be made up for.
So I wish you a safe trip home, and (just in case we don’t hear from you again) a long and prosperous life. And god speed
I would like to see an update from her from Italy, with her thoughts on unbelted life vs. belted life. Will she miss the belt, etc.?
I wish her all the best.
Donna really has been fantastic. We can’t thank her enough. If she does come back for more that would be wonderful, but if she doesn’t then we should still all thank her for going above and beyond what anyone else has done and giving us such wonderful visuals and insight into her life.
Enjoy the rest and the time back in Italy when it comes, Donna!
It’s only a few days extra – actually 20 – then she would have been belted for half a year. Can’t you convince her to do that. That would be an achievement – not only for us, but also for her self. She could say: “I was belted for half a year”. Let her teach that phrase and see if she can convince herself!
She might be going for that, you never know with her :D
Dona you were amazing. Would love it if you would stay longer…
One more thing i would like to see from her, is useing the D ring between her legs. Like make her sit on a bench and lock her there with a padlock or a short chain. Just waiting thereto be released
Donna – as the person who made your very first belt years ago, it has been an honor to see how far you’ve come. On behalf of myself and everyone who has watched your journey, it has been a pleasure to be part of your expirence and I hope you feel the same excitement as there rest of us. Good luck and we hope to see you again in the future.
Donna – È arricchito tutte le nostre vite . Tu sei coraggioso e bello . Vi vogliamo bene e vogliamo vedere in futuro .
Buona fortuna e Grazie molto !!!
You are so beautiful and brave. Thank you for enriching our lives and we want to see you again. Good Luck!
double plug her for 12 hrs before she leaves
Definitely a hall-of-fame award winner.
Donna, you have been fantastic, and will be much missed.
Buona fortuna.
Propose an update to see her at least once in high heels.
A record that will be hard to beat for any other ChastityBabes. But the challenge is not so difficult, when the belt fits and she got used to to have it on. Most frustrating if she gets some exciting challenges.
Still I lack Ben-Wa balls inside the belt for 48 hours.