Well, I don’t see Donna much these days, maybe twice a week (once for Sunday cleaning break and maybe once more to bring some stuff to the apartment). The keys to her belt are still in my possession, but we both forget about her situation a lot of the time! Last week I couldn’t even find the keys for her cleaning break! That would have been a great update! :)
I’m not sure what Donna is planning, she has her own life in Amsterdam, but she is growing more and more restless. The weather is getting colder and Donna has never been in Holland (or out of Italy) for the winter. She really is having a very hard time dealing with the cold.
Yesterday, Donna came to my studio to talk about her future in Holland. We chatted a bit, and after doing some other stuff in the office, I seemed to have lost sight of her. After a quick search in the huge empty building, I found her completely naked sitting next to one of the large windows. Well, not completely naked of course ;) She is such a funny girl! Basking in the sun, like a reptile that needs outside heat to get her temperature up. I filmed her a little bit, and then gave her the camera to tell you what’s bothering her about the weather in Holland.
I don’t know what Donna has in mind, she didn’t reveal much, but I guess she won’t stay for the winter. Is she waiting to complete 150 days? Or will she stay belted to just before Christmas? I think she is trying to set a record number of days, so no other chastity babe will ever manage to bump her from the number 1 spot! One thing is for sure: she doesn’t have much in Italy, so there’s a good chance she will come back next year! And if she needs a place to stay in 2015, she is very welcome at the apartment… on one condition of course!

28 comment(s) to “Donna – autumn sun”
She’ll even make it BELTED during the christmas holidays in Italy!
webmaster, have you suggested this option to Donna, give her a camera to italy, she can do the updates there
I was hoping to see her hit 6 months. Oh well, maybe next year!
Donna has proved her case and deserves her freedom now. She can quit anytime. But i don’t think we have seen enough of her since the 30 day contract expired! What a waist with such a lovely girl!
Don’t worry, there was a lot more recorded and shot ;)
Donna should go home for the winter belted with a camera and a blog page
She can do the updates from home
I am sure you could find a KH for her in italy for a short time while she is there!
Your journey has been unique from the first day of your first visit and with that as a backdrop I hope my thoughts won’t sound crazy.
Home is where you lay your head, where you feel comfortable, where you feel wanted and appreciated. I hope one day the apartment will be all these things for you.
If there is not much for you in Italy, I hope one day, despite the cold, you will call Chastitybabes home. Even if for a little while.
Donna is a lovely girl and I always look forward to her updates. Naturally I hope to see more of her, but she’s done so amazingly well in her current deal that she’s earned the right to do whatever she wants, in my opinion.
Send her home in christimas time by train – then no need to worry about airport security.
I’d have to check if the train doesn’t go through Switzerland (which is not in the EU, and will have security checks). But I seriously doubt Donna will go by train. I think we should give her a break, if she wants.
Her skin was only rough in the first 30 days. Now it is much better. She rubs lotion between the belt and her skin.
If the move is to wear the belt back home in Italy, Couldn’t you just unlock it before she go’s through security, then put it back on?
P.S. I agree she deserves a break. Whatever is decided; I’m merely suggesting how to proceed.
Also what is the verdict about a scheduled “release”
That came out wrong too. I’m not Implying that you show it, (maybe announce when) but mainly a little belted play, surely you have other toys in your arsenal besides that plug and some tens units which can also be dialed down to more pleasurable settings
That with security checks to go via Switzerland must be very new, as far as i know the only trains with security checks in Europe are the Channel Tunnel Trains and from time to time the trains from Dublin to Belfast.
The whole train discussion is moot, there is no way she is going to spend a day in trains when she can fly there in a few hours.
Dear webmaster,
I have done a little bit of research regarding metal chastity belts and airport security. I strongly believe it is possible and they consider chastity belts to be permitted as a “cultural / religious symbol”. Of course, she would have to be inspected in a private room. But it is possible, I would suggest you checked with both airports beforehand though just to make 100% certain.
Before analyzing the way in which Donna can return to Italy with the belt I think you need to know if Donna wants to return to his family with the belt.
There’s just no way of doing that unless someone on this website (either the webmaster or Donna herself) lets me know! Until then, I can only assume, that’s my only “mistake”!
Could you tell us how you lost and found her keys? That is pretty funny barring an emergency.
Hi I haven’t been a member for very long but I have amazing admiration and respect for the way that you have managed to cope in your present situation.
And for the future you must do whatever is best for you
Take care
I say we Free Her Now It’s Been Long Enough Let Her Go!
If you re-watch updates 280 and 305 you’ll see that Donna is deciding when she leaves, where she goes, how she gets there and whether or not she returns.
If you want the Webmaster to “free” her, the only way he can do that is to evict her. I don’t think she would find that helpful.
I think you are having an issue with a language translator. I don’t want her evicted. I didn’t realize that wasn’t clear.
Donna, I feel for your situation. I’ve been through rough times myself. Cold weather is minor in comparison to hard times in Italy, right? If you dress like the Russians do during their frigid winters, you’ll manage okay. Big hugs and kisses to you Donna!
In my opinion Donna can not be happy because it is not a free woman is forced to decide whether to continue to wear a chastity belt or go back to Italy.
I have a slightly different question for Donna than most of you have had so far:
How does it feel? How do 150 days in chastity feel like? I’m not talking about the belt here – how does surrendering acces to your most private parts feel? You haven’t touched them for such a long time now…