Natalia Forrest was doing so well, imagine walking around with a steel plug inside you for 48 hours! I was following her around with a camera, when she suddenly decided to check out this website on her computer!
‘So… let’s see what everyone is saying about me…’, she said. She quickly found herself on the Babes page, and started reading. She had mixed feelings, looking at herself going through the incredible 5-day full Chastity Deal, and she realised she was lucky there were no thigh bands this time.
One of the first comments she read was ‘I have been a member, but I did not renew since there was no Plug content’. ‘Well, you’ve got the Plug content now!!’, Natalia exclaimed, ’48 hours with this stupid thing!’, while she was hitting the secondary shield like that would help her. Another comment that she found was ‘Natalia is my favourite girl’, which she was really pleased about.
She continued scrolling through her own updates, reading your comments. But she had a hard time concentrating, as she was still torn between arousal and frustration! A comment about ‘she should get more money for this’ really cheered her up. She agreed with one that very much, obviously! This video clip is well worth watching if you ever commented on Natalia’s updates, maybe she even reads your comment aloud in the video! Check out her reaction to her own pictures and your comments and be warned: don’t be disrespectful in the comments, a lot of the girls will actually read them!

15 comment(s) to “Natalia Forrest plugged – looking at the site”
Natalia, thank you so much for this amazing bit of entertainment you have given us ( non members do not know what they are missing out on ), whatever you get from this challenge it is not enough, i hope sincerely to see you for another one, what you have showen me is enough to keep me a lifetime member.
Thank you Natalia honestly thank you!!!
Really interesting idea for a shoot. I don’t think anyone saw this coming. In the future you could do an update of Natalia watching an update of Natalia, watching an update of Natalia. A little fractal chastity!
Thank you very much Natalia. You always give it your all, no matter how hard the challenge (and they’re getting progressively harder). Have to respect your dedication to the craft.
As long as nobody divides chastity by zero, I think it’s safe, hehe.
I’m not positive how the math shakes down but there’s a huge differential between the friction generated along the secondary shield slot Vs the lack of friction generated over her clitoris.
I previously mentioned that kept continously aroused she might be babbling blissfully @ 96hrs. I’m beginning to wonder if that is subconsciously starting @ 7:22 of this video?
Sorry, @ 7:22 of update 320.
Natalia, thank you for reading one of my comments!
What kind of belt and bra is Natalia wearing? Where can i buy it?
Yes, you can buy them here: http://www.steelbound.co.uk
You rock!!!
You ought to get out of the house more.
Thank you Natalia honestly thank you!
You are so awesome! You have a real genuine personality and you share it openly. It is a real treat. You are definitely my favorite. You have an amazing voice and inflection. Would a vibrating insert on random be better than the steel plug? It may be worth more money? Maybe you could go shopping for some new heels while locked, sitting and standing, trying new shoes? Sounds delicious.
Natalie is Gorgeous, more please.
Yep Natalia, we’re a bunch of perverts. We love plugged content above all. And you gave us what we were longing for.
You’re very likely the cause of an amount of membership renewals, including mine.
And in case you come read the comments again: luv ya Natalia. You’re hawt. From now on, you are THE chastity babe. :D
how sexy
Natalia is indeed beautiful. But if she doesn’t have the thigh bands, she should be leashed, and have at least loose wrist and ankle restraints. She has beautiful skin tone that contrasts well with the bondage equipment. She looks fantastic, especially when she gets pushed to her limits and gets emotional. A gorgeous woman.