So it was a done Deal: Natalia Forrest would have to go 2 days with a steel plug locked inside her body! She had no excuses left. Natalia was able to use the toilet and she could keep herself fairly clean.
Her tight chastity belt and bra meant that she would have absolutely no chance of touching any of her fun areas. Her nipples and clitoris were safely locked away and Natalia can not climax any other way. Not from penetration alone. And that was her problem. Because having a steel 4-ball plug locked inside kept her in a constant state of arousal. Natalia would later describe it as ‘heaven and hell at the same time’.
She was frustrated beyond belief, getting herself more and more aroused, but also more and more angry by the hour. She exclaimed more than once that she desperately needed these 48 hours to be over! For those of you worried about any dryness problems: no need, Natalia was soaked for 2 days straight. Extra lubrication was definitely not needed!
In this video clip, you can clearly see how Natalia can move her hips to slide the plug back and forth in the slotted secondary shield. She gets some pleasure from it (nothing can be done about that), but she can not reach a climax without any fingers to help her in a more important spot. The ultimate frustration for a girl! This experiment shows that it can be done! Natalia stayed indoors for the full 48 hours, but it is perfectly possible to plug and belt your girfriend or wife, and take her out to dinner or a movie. Just don’t expect her to be very focused ;)

32 comment(s) to “Natalia Forrest plugged – horny”
Believe me, she is not KO in the video ;)
If arousal/frustration were measured in scales of 1-10, she appears to be approx. 11/14.
Your tag line should read,”Just don’t expect her to be focused….. on anything else”.
Natalia is incredibly, singularly focused….
On the one thing she can’t have.
I think she invented a new word…. oowwOOHH!!!
An acrylic plug would be some thing for her to squeeze with her pelvic floor muscles, but this one has a really thin neck. So she’s stimulated well within her vagina.
That plug must feel to her like a jail house cock cage, with those steel balls rubbing her g-spot, bringing her to the edge and keeping her there! Now she understands how men feel in chastity.
too bad my new jail hose is way too small for me and I still have to cinch it up. I’ll have to learn how to suppress erotic dreams to better control my erections while asleep. Do not stay up and watch porn for a quarter day, its just as bad and you only get frustrated. But Like Natalia here, you get super hard and wet.
This is really cool. I want my bf to try this on me ;-)
You could go as a model for chastity babe.
Yeah, but I prefer to keep some things private.
If you already have a belt, you just need to order the plug and hand him the key, or you can substitute the plug for any other toy you can bare for an extended length of time; ben wa balls, wireless vibrators, let your imagination run wild. just be sure it some thing you can afford and can either get locally or wait for it to be shipped. maybe its in your collection already.
Also: if your into e-play, you could try a bi-polar egg but there will be a power cord running out from under the shield
I am belted more or less 24/7 for many years now.
Only thing I need is to convince him to try this on me, but he thinks it gives me too much pleasure with the plug.
I apologize for so many posts but there is a very interesting sound at 2:27. I understand how you knew lubrication wasn’t an issue.
Yes, you can actually hear it ;)
I could swear I heard that special noise at 2:00 on update 320 too. Or am I wrong?
Anyway, I guess the shield slot may receive all the (natural) lubrification it needs. No worries about that ;-)
You are 100% correct ;)
I wonder how many times the plug has been slid back and forth along the slot in the shield over the two days? Maybe the slot needs lubrication in the long run!
Wish I had a girlfriend to try this on!
Awesome update!
Surprisingly, a plug secured on the slot of a crotchbelt doesn’t require re-lubing. The plug is firmly secured with little to no vertical motion, therefore there’s the shaft isn’t rubbing against skin to cause irritation, discomfort or pain. The plug can be worn dry under the chastity all day.
Generally, metal to metal friction points must be greased to minimize wear and tear. But it’s not hygienic to coat the locking pin and the tracks in the shield. That would attract dirt/bacteria and make it’s way inside the body!
After all, the locking pin of the plug isn’t tight through the rail.
You should get more plugged updates now that you know it is possible. A plugged 30 day deal would be fun!!
10 days is going to be very hard too
I think you may be at or near the limit, duration wise, for a challenge like this, for practical reasons.
If you feature this type of challenge again in the future and wanted to, up the ante as it were, there are other ways to do so if the duration is fixed.
Plugged with cleaning breaks could go on for a longer time. Will need to make sure there is no touching during the breaks though. Thinking about handcuffed breaks.
I think people would be interested in seeing a restrained cleaning break. I’ve noticed it suggested in the comments for other updates. It’s a pretty unique scenario.
You may have some difficulty finding a participant for more than 48 hours though. Natalia looks as though she would be babbling blissfully and incoherently at 96 hours. She is definitely earning this paycheck.
Also, thank you for the bonus update with Leah, that was a nice surprise.
I would like too see restrained cleaning breaks.
Assuming you were to film and post a cleaning break: would it be on this site or on metalbondage.com?
I used to think inserts would be a relief for those who are stuck in a chastity belt, just not this one!
Can be better to outdoor activities.
Natalia is unique among the chastity belt models. She is willing to perform tasks and be restrained in ways that make most girls shy away.
Adding her running commentary and complaints makes her even sexier, because you can tell that she is enjoying the predicaments. I would ask to make her a regular, except that she does so many shoots that she is a regular. I love to see her and always look forward to her next appearance.
Great work, Natalia! Keep coming back for more!!!
One other thing you can try would be to hand her the padlock key, just to see what she can do.
If you really want to be evil, bring the shield out as far as you can without hurting her. The large ball looks like it could pin her to the primary shield.
If you still plan on plugged sessions: I read that AnnaBelle Lee loves the feel of metal. She’d probably jump into a deal like this. You should make her an offer
It shouldn’t be so uncomfortable if it fits correctly, especially in as little time as a weekend.
If she’s going to keep humping her belt and rubbing her skin raw, I’d have to put in some thing remote controlled, maybe not a weekend challenge but something short like a casting.
Awesome video! This clip alone is worth the subscription for the month!
It seems that she enjoys a lot the sensations of her pussy being penetrated hands-free!
I look forward to see her locked with 2 plugs!