It’s been over 2 years since Vanessa visited me, but she still looks gorgeous as ever! She was involved in a lot of chastity testing and experimenting when this website started. She was the first model who went swimming in a chastity belt, the first model to do a workout, and she is a great belt fighter! She was shooting for some other websites when I saw her again recently, and I just felt like challenging her, because she gets angry so beautifully!
The challenge here was simple: Vanessa has to put on her dress over her chastity bra and belt. That might sound simple, but she is being boob shocked at irregular intervals! The shocks are only minor, and there is a small ‘pre-shock’ to warn her for the upcoming one, but it turns out Vanessa is pretty sensitive to even the most tiny electro zaps.
I made her place two conducting pads on the insides of her boobs (on the muscles to make them contract) and two conducting clamps on her nipples. Then I locked the chastity bra over these, making it impossible to reach the shocked areas. The control box was attached to the back of her bra. Although Vanessa could simply unplug the leads, she was not allowed to until she had managed to put on her dress. That was quite a show! Vanessa looked like she could kill me in the end, but she simply did not want to give up. She is like a wild beast, angry and determined! Don’t miss it!

9 comment(s) to “Vanessa – a shocking Challenge”
What ever happend to Donna? It’s quiet some time since you wrote that her new belt has arrived. Did she go home? I’m waiting for her!
She’s here!!
You’re probably going to call me a sadist – and don’t get me wrong, I like this update a lot, but I whish you had a lockable device that could administer shocks without the girl being able to remove it. (and which doesn’t require the girl being tied up in order to make it irremovable)….A girl who can walk around freely but is forced to do anything you command unless she doesn’t want that button to be pressed …. that would be great. The wouldn’t neccessarily have to be one delivered shock in that video. Just the girl obeying you because she afraid of the butten you hold in your hands…
Well mac I for one think that would be a great idea. I’d even volunteer to be that girl LOL.
I remember in previous video about the interview with Ariel Anderssen, she mentioned that she would like to try out the set up like this. Is it possible to invite her to try this out? And I think it would be even more interesting to include the set up part in the video, to look at the girls’ response when being clamped and locked.
Uh, how was the current set up here? My understanding that electroplay above the waist can be quite dangerous for the heart.
You must do new shocking Challenge, where girl must go to the public place and do something: visit to cafeteria, go to the restaurang, go to the movie, bought next day food etc.
Perhaps the neosteel remote education shield could be adapted for use on the breasts. The only e-stem small enough to fit inside the bra would be a dreamlover-2000
Arial had the idea of using just straight up clamps. You can use some without a chain but Pupett’s friend speedy had hers pierced and the chain hung in the middle of the bra.
Seems she still needs some education.
Maybe a long term arrangement with full chastity and e-pads on her clit could improve her behaviour. It would be for her own sake…