Yvette is a business woman, the kind you see on the streets every day. But have you ever wondered what these women are wearing under their skirts and blouses? You might pass a belted woman in the street and never know! That is a very large part of the excitement that comes with wearing a chastity belt.
This beautiful redhead loves to model in her spare time, but this time she is in for a surprise. The look on her face when she first sees the chastity belt is priceless! We urge her to try it on, after all, this is only a casting, she can always decide she does not want to take this any further.
As expected, once the belt is locked on with a little help, Yvette is intrigued! Very intrigued, in fact. She wonders if it is noticable under her normal clothes. She gets dressed in a skirt, bra, and blouse to find out. The skirt is a tight stretchy material, so the belt is very visible. It gets worse when the skirt starts crawling up, and then she realises everyone will see the belt when she sits down. She doesn’t really know whether to feel ashamed or excited.
Yvette was in the belt for about 1 hour during this shoot. She has agreed to come back for a real update, so casting her was a success! Any thoughts on Yvette’s next challenge?

5 comment(s) to “Yvette – casting”
Wow, looks like Yvette received an electric shock when she saw the steel underwear! I can’t wait to see her in a bathing suit with chastity belt!
true i agree
great work so far!
Using a fully adjustable belt was a good idea. This allows for a perfect fit and a tight wear to prevent stimulation. As it seems Regina wears her belt really tight around the waist. I wonder if she can have the belt on for more than a couple of hours.
However, the lining of the belt often gets out of place. Perhaps this is disadvantageous in everyday life.
I would appreciate if the girls tell us about their experiences.
You should consinder to add thigh bands to the belt if one girl would accept them to wear.
Will we see other belt designs in the near future?
Thanks for your comment.
New belt styles and thigh bands are coming up!
She looks like so hot. Thanks for the very hot Picture =)
I want more more more……