We found Sarah Jain through a modelling agent. This US swimsuit model has got a really toned body and she is not afraid of anything. We also found out, shooting for MetalBondage.com, that she is very agressive, and she does not like anything locked onto her body.
So what could be more fun than tricking her into a Chastity Deal? Well, it turned out that it is not so easy to trick Sarah into anything. In fact, she is downright scary when she gets angry. I think I prefer to deal with the younger, inexperienced models! Sarah Jain will be quite popular though, because she is a fighter, and some of you love to see reluctant beltings! If anything, this update is one of the best in that category!
Sarah missed a few crucial lines in the contract, which basically gave me the right to keep her belted for 5 days. But you can see by her reaction that was not going to happen. She had a romantic weekend with her boyfriend coming up, and she was not about to spend it locked in a chastity belt. She even got dressed and walked out of the studio, knocking things over and cursing.
The belt was super tight, but still she managed to get her jeans over the belt, making it even tighter. Although it was very nice to see her like this, she would never have lasted 5 days anyway, so I made her a new Deal in the end. Yes, I have to admit: she scared me a little. Just watch the video clip to see if you would have kept her in the belt for 5 days.

10 comment(s) to “Trying to trick Sarah Jain”
Sarah Jain’s boyfriend has probably seen her temper more than anyone. Don’t feel sorry for her though. I’ve seen her on the web being restrained and tickle tortured. Deep down Sarah wants an endurance test. Don’t give in to her!
well you did the right thing…tricking somebody into wearing a chastity belt against their will would have been a crime. It counts as unlawful detention and as such as a crime against personal freedom, which is – by international law considered a higher good than any contract.
Dont Give in! man up :P
also it was slo funny watching her complaining omg i would of been on the floor laughing
I’ve seen her online before… I’d only make her last 5 days if she was well restrained and I was a safe distance away from her! :D
It doesn’t really seem like a trick to me. Contracts should always be carefully understood before giving agreement. It’s the signatory responsibility as long as verbal information doesn’t omit or alter important contract parameters.
I think it was just bad timing. Sarah even said that she would come back to do the 5 days later. It just wouldn’t work with her current plans. I definitely want to see this feisty model belted for 5 days. Bring her back!
From a “fantasy” perspective, some people enjoy the chastity being a surprise or a twist somehow changing the terms of a contract. That “oh no” moment is priceless. But it is a fantasy for our benefit, no one is having anything illegally done to them. That said, Sarah plays angry for the camera really well. Now if only there was a reason for her to be angry…….. Did she miss any other fine print? Does removing it now incur any penalties when she returns? If so you can be sure she’ll be angry about them too!
Or perhaps she simply doesn’t get paid as much?