So Nicole decided to go to work after all, even though she is very tightly belted in a pink chastity belt! For those of you just joining us: Nicole woke up in a chastity belt, locked onto her by her boyfriend, and she was furious! He had already left for work though, so Nicole has no other option than to wait for tonight to kick his ass about this little prank.
The tightness of the belt is very distracting, Nicole has trouble sitting in her office chair at the reception desk, and she can not focus on the document she is supposed to be typing. Fortunately for her, it is a very quiet day at the office. She checks if anyone is coming, and then starts tugging and fighting her belt that is hidden under her business attire. It is simply not coming off.
Angrily, she phones her boyfriend again, calling him all kinds of names for making her go to work in a chastity belt. When she just can not sit any longer, she marches off to the toilets (in her high heels) to check out the belt in the mirror. She is horrified by the look of metal on her body, even though her boyfriend was kind enough to get a belt with pink lining. Nicole does not like it at all!
She realises that tonight is going to be a problem. If she gets angry at him (and kicks him senseless for doing this to her), he may not want to unlock her. So she should be nice to him… but she is fuming and she knows she will not be able to hold herself back. Nicole really needs to calm down. She has to rest of her working day to take some deep breaths and get used to this evil contraption before going home to confront her boyfriend…

5 comment(s) to “Nicole – at the office”
Nicole’s ordeal is quite exciting! I can only hope that it is prolonged for one or two more days before her boyfriend unlocks it.
You’ve outdone yourself again with this great chastity babe and her belting.
I hope that she has to wear it for at least a week x
just a week?
a year would be even better. ^^
Well I certainly hope she can’t hold her temper and when she gets back home, she gets furious at her boyfriend, they have a little fight and he decides to keep her in the belt for at least a week to teach her some manners :D
hello, the boyfriend of Nicole is still alive?