This is part 5 of our shocking Experiment featuring Yasmine! If you haven’t seen part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4, please watch those first!
At the end of the day, we sat Yasmine down to tell us about her shocking experiences. Well, we tried to sit her down, but she said she couldn’t because that made the shocks worse. We are still trying to find out why sitting down made better skin contact, but more about that later.
As a fun bonus, we decided not to do the interview after the Experiment, but as the final part of the whole day. So the shocks were still going strong when Yasmine tried to tell us about her day in chastity, thigh bands, and a mysterious device on her back that shocked her between her legs for about 8 hours! Well, not for 8 hours straight or she would have collapsed to the floor, but we had fun testing our new device, turning it on and off, and trying different settings and levels.
We watched her getting dressed (it’s rather hard to put on high heels when you are in a tight chastity belt getting shocked), we took her outside for a walk, and we even tested the device during some household jobs (cleaning the bathroom). Now it was time to finally turn off the device, because Yasmine was at her limit, she could not take much more unexpected jolting.
But before we finally unplugged the box, we had one more surprise for Yasmine!! She would have to stand ONE minute of shocks at a very high level (7 out of 10)!! Actually, Yasmine thought it was the highest setting, but we did not want to floor her. Also, it wasn’t the hardest interval setting, but it certainly had a great effect on her! When we finally unplugged it, and took off the chastity gear, her upper legs were still twitching for about 15 minutes! It was a very interesting experiment, and we learned a lot. Now let’s see if we can implement it in some different way, in a long term Deal, or a shopping Deal!!
Remember the Deal and Experiment updates are not shot in a studio so picture quality may vary. No Yasmines were harmed (badly) in this experiment.

20 comment(s) to “The Experiment – finale”
Thank you so very much for these films, it has been an honour to have you as a guest in my computer for five evenings and seing how you were doing. As you were going to talk about your day I thought it was a great idea to get some sparkling wine to sip at the computer tonight, when watching the film.
You are definitely one of my absolute favourites among the girls here.
Yasmine is so beautiful in the belt! She was so good about the electric pads and shocks. I’m very pleased with her. I would love to see her in a multi-day contract. I think she would be awesome!
I agree completely, with a little addon to it, i´d love to see Yasmine and Natalia doing a week together and go about doing things together and being able to understand what they talk about.
Yasmine, you are my favorite chastity babe on here.
Why? It was a pleasure to see your transformation from being just curious about chastity to wanting more and more, and your willingness to experiment and try new things. I think you’re the only person on here that has been that willing and open, unlike some of the others that are strictly just “models” and are just in it for a quick paycheck. I enjoy your curiosity about chastity.
So, what are you willing to try next?
Once again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
What type of device do you use for shocking her? Could you provide model and make?
Wouldn´t it be interesting to give the girl a phase of some very pleasant electro stimulation befor starting the shock phase. This could make the girl more curious about what she will have to expect.
I’d like to see similar experiment with a plug instead of stickers. Maybe even with couple of plugs, that might be even more interesting ;-)
does she hold a cigarette in the lower right picture?
it would be so good to see some of the girls smoking (melissa, jenni, yasmine etc.)
No that’s the plug to the electro box. Please watch the video to see what she did :)
I for sure does not find smoking attractive, and I quickly go somewhere else, if I see anyone – even an otherwise beautiful person – with a smoke.
not here but there are different sites with fetishes with the same girls.
and one site with the girls from girlsincuffs, metalbondage etc which shows they smoking would be good.
There are some smoking updates here I believe: here’s one: https://www.chastitybabes.com/archives/1374
As a new member I am a bit shocked by the shocks, you give Yasmine. She seems to be such a lovely person, so why not give her some pleasant stimuli, say from a vibrator instead?
If you want to be a bit “evil”, you could tease her by stimulating her without letting her come. That would frustrate her but not hurt. That would be much more fun.
I second your opinion Jan. After all the shocks should be pleasant when there is no reason for punishment.
PS about paying people for allowing you to hurt them: It is not only not fun. It is wrong. Imagine the headlines: COMPANY PAYS POOR YOUNG GIRLS FOR HURTING THEM! Ok, you are not doing anything deadly, but experiments like this are dangerous to your reputation. In my country – Denmark – an elderly gentleman once made the front pages, because he had “innocently” paid a woman to give her a spanking over the knee! Even just a taste of sex, violence and/or financial exploitation often makes good headlines for the tabloids, and my guess is, that Yasmine could become rich one day selling her story. If your country is anywhere like mine.
PPS you are welcome to remove this comment from the blog, if you do not like it. But it is actually ment as a gift to you. Because your website is so beautiful in so many other ways.
You paint a very bleak picture of the situation in Denmark. We are all lucky the Webmaster is based out of the Netherlands.
Did you know they have a TV show about sex and drugs. tukker mentioned it in a previous post.
I don’t think a photo studio hiring a model for a shoot with a TENS unit will upset anyone there. Actually, Chastitybabes might get some good exposure if it got mentioned on the show.
You are missig my point completely. Hurting people is not fun, or maybe it is to you???
Interesting idea, especially if the people there are strict enough against fornication or teen pregnancy or sex in general to take it to an extreme like using a chastity belt. Or if their also kinky like this.
At least be clear if the model in question enjoys a little sadomasochism: a bit of pain like a gentle tapping above her clit with a crop
I don’t think there are words to describe how good she looks. Or how she tries to find clothes that look as good as she does. Don’t get me wrong because she found some really good ones. Just one question about her taste in lingerie: Is she as shameless as Dominique in enough to wear sheer lingerie in CB182 with Jenni and the Latowski? (notice there was no flesh colored inner lining)