After getting almost no sleep at all, Misha had to get up to go to work! We did not even realise that when we went to belt her, but she has a day job at an office and life goes on, with or without chastity belt. If she wanted to get the cash at the end of the 10 day Chastity Deal, Misha just had to go to the office.
Carefully selecting a loose and wide dress, still complaining, Misha tried to make up for lost time (she almost overslept, because it takes more than one night to get used to sleeping in a chastity belt). We have to say, it is one of the best dresses we have ever seen hiding a chastity belt. The white sash is a perfect cover! Seeing her getting out of bed, and watching her whine in her tiny voice, made us realise how tightly we belted her. Misha’s body is fantastic, even more so in a chastity belt, and the rigid anal strap makes her ass even more perky. Paul couldn’t keep his hands off her!
Where a lot of girls might have given up (the first day is always the hardest), Misha is constantly convinced by her boyfriend to continue the Deal. When we found out she had actually gone to the office in the belt (we expected her calling in sick or another excuse), we rushed to the couple’s house to wait for her return. Paul, a personal fitness trainer, was already in the garden working on his laptop.
When Misha finally returned home, we interviewed her about her day, like many members have requested (girls telling more about their experiences). Was it hard to drive? How about sitting down in the office? Did any coworkers notice something about her? Misha tells us all, but she clearly isn’t happy. It is all very hard for her, and being a tiny submissive girl to her big boyfriend, she finds it hard to tell him she wants to quit this Deal. She will not stand up against Paul, so she knows she is locked in a tight rigid chastity belt for the remainder of the 10 day Deal! “Horrible”, as Misha would put it.
This is a real Chastity Deal, with consenting participants, there is no acting. Never belt a girl against her will! Remember these updates are not shot in a studio so picture quality may vary.

6 comment(s) to “A horrible day at the office”
I don’t understand the problem with sleeping. I have tried this kind of belt, and sleeping was no problem, I was able to lie and sleep in any position.
one can only hope that she was not asked if she was having a case of “the Mondays”, she is doing really well so far
This is a great story.All single girls should be made to wear chastity belts when they become teenagers
Yes really correct .
Nice clip, very instructive. And thanks for the subtitles. :-)
Lovely dress. She looks wonderful in it.