Yasmine is definitely a babe. Perfect tiny body and a face that is just pure submissiveness, with those big eyes and innocent lips. Collaring and belting her was big fun! She is as playful and curious as she looks. Bare skin and metal, it is definitely the right look for Yasmine (and for all women, for that matter).
Imagine waking up next to this girl, all belted up, collared, and thigh banded. There’s no way for her to get any satisfaction, and you are holding the keys. That must be heaven. You could make her do all kinds of things to be rewarded with the keys!
Maybe that’s too much fantasy. Fact is, Yasmine is locked into a chain style chastity belt, and thigh bands. No bra this time, because her boobs are just too perfect and we just liked to get a good look. A great picture and video set to watch on a rainy afternoon, enjoy!
Yasmine recently emailed us, she wants to come back for more chastity time, so if you have any suggestions what to do with her, just comment below or email us!

16 comment(s) to “Good morning Yasmine!”
I think she should be the babe for the next chastity challenge!
A longer term contract (30 days for example) would be wonderful! Do not scare other potential interested girls with all additional gear (it looks good but just got too much recently for my opinion) – just the pure belt!
If a version with chains in the back is used, please use the neoprene covered individually adjusted belt. According to my opinion, locks in the back disturb for everyday wear.
She’s got black hair – a good contrast would be a white belt. I think a white one was used in one of the first updates (and then never again), a beautifully shaped one, too. That would be a nice one.
Let her try to hide the white belt with a white bikini on one update, maybe going to a public poo The belt would be less, but still visible, I would call it “matching”. Or what about a white set of lingerie (stockings and a corsage). Would she dare to do that? She would look like an innocent Angel!
Does she have a boyfriend? Would they like to get filmed while (unsuccessfully) making out? Or an unbelted girlfriend? It does not appear in the site so far but what if she joins a couple that is not belted, only being able to assist them?
Maybe, if you use less gear on the long term contracts, you can persuade more couples! Or two girls being belted, chatting about it, looking for matching clothes together, going in public together, …
Best regards,
Fan (paying member)
Agree… what’s most exciting about CBs is their being worn in public in everyday situations; having her to go to a public swimming pool wearing the belt under her bikini would be just great.
Thanks… yes, I meant “pool” – sorry for the spelling mistake. Maybe it can be corrected.
Good to know that I am not the only one thinking about everyday situation – let’s face it: A full gear worn 24/7 is not really possible if worn a long time according to my opinion.
Since there are two updates a week: What about one “extreme” with all gear while the other focuses on real life situation and long term wear?
Why is there no chastity bra here!
What about a nice steel plug
How about a chastity challenge? Two (or more) girls in belts (or more) and the last one not to request that it be taken off wins a monetary award.
You could even have members donate to the award, so hopefully the sum becomes great enough so that there’s a considerable amount to the winner.
And make the challange harder or add more gear as the amount goes up, i.e. bra,thigh bands, collar, wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, chain connecting it all and shortened, etc.
Good ideas, something I would definitely support.
What about a record challenge? Donna made it 30 days, therefore, there is only money paid if the record is broken (which increases the time frame every time). If two girls are “battling”, there is a danger that it goes on forever without a winner. Wouldn’t it be better to see two girls supporting each other (instead of fighting each other) and share the money if they break the record?
Additional gear could be estimated by a card game (which gear and how long) or if sufficient money was raised by members… But like I said before, for long term contracts, I do not like too much gear and prefer to be able to see solutions for every day situations
Totally Off Topic: Any idea where I can get that blanket?
If she accepts, a new belt, the other kind, with hole for the anus and that longer variety of secondary shield as you have for the plug-belts that block the anus aswell, she would have to register the number of times she opened the secondary shield, once every day would naturally be ok as she has to go “big” every day but a second or third time could mean a risk of prolonging the lock-up with one day each extra use of the key.
well – i asked for more use of collars so to those of us who dont find chasity belts alone that fantastic – you did – membership comming up very soon :-)
I’d love to see yasmin in a 90 -Day Chalenge.
The rules:
– no aditional gear, just the belt.
– no 24/surveilance, just an appartment for her (and if she has one, her boyfriend), where some foto shootings will take place
– in advance: give her 30 days alone with a belt and a key so that she can get used to it.
– Make a list of 10 -20 tasks for her that she needs to fulfill in front of a camera in order to get the key+money after 90 days.
possible tasks:
– flash the belt in public
– clean the kitchen with nothing on but the belt
– go to a nightclub wearing thigh bands (with a short chain, not locked together) under a dress and dance with at least 2 Strangers who are unaware of the situation
– perform a sexy dance/strip tease for all the members (undress as far as possible! ;-))
– do physical exercises
– write about being locked up (e.g. a letter or a poem) and read it to the members.
– try to get off in front of a camera and give up frustrated
– One day out in full gear (bra and thigh-bands with a chain that makes walking a realistic, though exhausting task)and a shoping list. No public transportation permitted.
What would be nice is to see a chastity belt used as a mean of avoiding sexual intercourse… with a few addons. Such as a wireless vibrating egg that is used in such a way as not to let her cum : ultimate denial
You could also start off with some games like ok if you win this game it takes 1 day off but i you loose you end up wearing an addition to your belt for + 6 hours. it can be uncomfy like a plug, arousing like a electro stim plug or just enough to keep up the arousal without enough to get any excitement out of it like a vibrating egg set on very slow or geisha balls.
and please go out in public.
Locked in belt in public being teased by remote controlled toy.
Look up viberating panties on YouTube. ;-)
I like Yasmine’s updates the best because it seems (even if it isn’t true) like she’s actually developing a fetish for chastity…. And that’s better than just a model posing in a belt. That’s why she should be the gal for the next chastity deal!
This is my favorite set so far just a beautiful girl locked up.