Here’s the last part of Bella’s chastity shopping deal: free shopping for a day in exchange for being locked in a chastity belt you have to flash in public. What girl could resist that deal?
In addition to the previous two malls, we took Bella to a very crowded supermarket! This was very hard to shoot, as store personnel kept checking on us, and Bella was more daring than in the other shops. The supermarket was very busy, and there were people who actually saw the belt, although no one said anything about it. The preview pictures just don’t do it justice, you have to see this video clip for yourself! There are literally people everywhere, and Bella keeps flashing her belt!
Sometimes it looks like she is deliberately walking up to people, to be able to show her belt to the camera, standing right next to some guy who is browsing the shelves for his evening dinner! Bella really got into it. It is so exciting to wear a chastity belt in public, as many of you have written us. We are very pleased to hear your stories, and if our website can inspire you further, don’t hesitate: just go out there! But please don’t get into trouble ;-)

1 comment(s) to “Bella in a crowded supermarket”
Technically, one of the functions of the belt is to keep you OUT of trouble. ;-)