A new babe! Always nice to add more girls to the site, and Bella had been asking for a deal for a long time. It seems everyone needs money at the moment, what with this crisis going on and all… It is a good time to live in, we might be able to push more and more girls into wearing a chastity belt! Never waste a good crisis!
Bella is fun, young, and looooves shopping. So we proposed this deal: lock yourself in a super tight chain style double padlocked chastity belt and we will take you shopping for a whole day! So some discomfort and a frustrated feeling in exchange for shopping happiness, a proposal that will make most women consider wearing a chastity belt (try it, you’ll see).
Today you will see Bella’s introduction to the metal underwear she will be wearing for the rest of the day. It was early morning, Bella was barely awake, but she managed to lock herself into the belt. It was very very tight on her crotch, in this particular belt style it will result in a beautifully caged pussy, as members will see in the pictures and video.
Strangely enough, Bella took some very short clothes to her casting. It was freezing outside, so after this casting she would have to change into something a little warmer (and it was already hard enough to put on her shorts). Maybe she was too excited about the shopping to think straight. Some girls are like that ;)
It is a shame Bella was only locked for a day. And yes, we agree that short deals kind of defeat a chastity belt’s purpose. But still, we got some great belted-in-public footage, as you will see in the next updates! After that, please share your thoughts on trying to get Bella locked for a duration challenge!

9 comment(s) to “Bella – shopping day – casting”
Of course itt´s possible to attract girls they can shop IF they have chastity belt on. Hope that more girls see the advantage of it …
maybe after this experience, she could be talked into a longer period being locked in the belt
love the shorts….hides the belt well
I think a month Minimum for this young lady… But without the metal bra I’m not a fan of that.
Chastity deals are fun, we all agree on that. In my point of view however, it’s not the duration that makes a deal interesting, it’s the psychology.
I admit that it’s hard, but so far none of your chalanges focused on chastity. They all focused on wearing the belt. in order to turn a deal into a real chastity deal, you have to set up an erotic atmosphere.
Why not take Bella onto a date with her dream man – all locked up?
Why not send Imma and her Husband a romantic get away weekend, but keep the key?
The background story for the shooting with Ashley Bulgary and Tiffany was nice – couldn’t you turn that in a chalenge?
Why not lock Devon and Ting together in one House for one week with lots of toys and only ONE of them belted. Only then, when one of them is allowed to have fun next do the other who has to stay chaste, it is a CHASTITY DEAL.
This would be great. I second this idea.
where are the steel plugs?
yep… exactly… steel plugs that drives her mad, while the belt being very tight on her would be real chastity !!