After Donna left us, our Amsterdam apartment was pretty empty. We were already missing the Chastity Deal, so we decided to find a new girl to stay in these cozy little place. Like everyone on this website, we were wondering if a full chastity contract is possible. That is, at least a chastity belt and chastity bra to cover the erogenous zones and thigh bands to make sure those legs will not part at all. Sure, lots of people have commented here to put a girl in full chastity for 30, 60, 90 days, even a year, but realisticly we have to take it one step at the time. There are a lot of factors in making a real life deal work. Hygiene and personal care are a huge isssue, a girl’s body is not made to be encased in neoprene covered metal bits.
First of all, we needed someone who would come over to Holland and sign a contract. Someone who desperately needed cash. Natalia Forrest immediately came to mind, as she wanted to go on a sunny holiday with her friend, but they were both out of money. She is quite posh and very emotional though, so we hesitated as this spoiled girl probably would not last a day.
The deal was very clear: once everything was locked into place, there would be ABSOLUTELY no release, no breaks, no unlocking for five days. All toilet visits had to be done with the belt (and secondary shield) on. If you need any information on how that works, please study the belt carefully. Any orgasms are plain impossible. The high security belt will prevent any clitoral stimulation, and a bra is needed for those who can get off from nipple stimulation alone, although some might argue that if a girl can not do that, wearing NO chastity bra is an even bigger punishment.
Natalia reluctantly accepted our deal, knowing that it would be ‘only 5 days’. She accepted the fact that she would not get an early release even if she could not handle her predicament, there was no way to cancel the contract before the end. She is a drama queen, so prepare for lots of crying, begging, and bursts of anger and arousal! This should be good! We already knew she would make it, because there would simply be no unlocking for the next 5 days!
Remember the Chastity Deal updates are not shot in a studio so picture quality may vary. Member pictures and videos are not censored in any way.

21 comment(s) to “Natalia Forrest – 5 days in full chastity”
Nowadays the level of the web is very high. Well done, webmaster.
Thank you Fer, enjoy!
cool idea would love my female paertner to wear one
Im buying one (thong style) for my girlfriends’ Valentine present – cant wait to get that lock snapped shut – she will look fantastic in it! Ultimate Valentines present!
did it a couple of years ago for a former girlfriend and she ended up wearing it for ever..forever mine..Valentine..!
Surely there must be alternative work out there for you Natalia.
This video is a lovely teasing.
Great start for a new chastity deal! Five days in full chastity must be really hard. Did Natalia not get any time at all without the metal for cleaning of her private areas? Great choice of model, Natalia is a very pretty girl.
I think she’s an excellent choice–bound to be fun and interesting!
how much padlocks she will be wearing? it is 13 it is sexy
does she get belted in this shoot? or does she just sign the contract?
That is for sure a much nicer christmas present than any model posing in some santa style costume!
Hopefully the apartment is on ground or features an elevator since I could imagine that stairs are not easy to take with thigh bands and we don’t want to lock Natalie inside for the whole time, do we? ;)
BTW you should leave a few extra padlocks with her boyfriend, just in case he decides to make use of her nice cuffs (but I guess the deal has already ended yet).
yes 你的回答不错啊
Poor little girl :)
The video 4:40 Don´t let Natalia have the keys!!! ;)
Will you also be locking a plug in the belt?
As she seemed to like that last time :).
Maybe not all five days as that would be a little harsh and difficult for hygiene, but the last day or so?
On second thought, I’d rather have you plug a girl on the first day, being stimulated all day long and then after the plug is gone, all that stimulation can not be answered for another 4 days at least, I guess you already recorded the entire 5 day deal, but in future deals, I would absolutely love to see a girl struggle with all that for a couple of days.
Given how much she normally complains, she’s either going to require a very good gag or the neighbours are going to need noise cancelling heaphones after about two hours.
i can’t wait to see this natalia is perfect for this
Web really will come high!
after 5 days,perhaps maybe a 30-day contract like Donna, though Natalia looks much more into chastity experience than Donna