Hmmm, some of our early Chastity Babes are now even emailing us to take them back! It seems Alyssia is missing her chastity belt, even though we cast her in a harsh way and then put her in a wedding dress to portray her as the example for all chaste brides.
Okay, so we invited her back, and made her to wear a rigid style chastity belt for about an hour under her (short) clothes. It was barely noticeable! Then we told her that, if she wants back on this website, she has to please the members. And this is what she did! Stripping, showing off her amazing body, Alyssia is virtually begging for you to take her back and give her some more screen time!
She is too hot to let go, that is for sure, but what can we do with this girl? Add a bra? Thigh bands? A plug? Make her go in public? A contract? How many days? Weeks? There are so many options, and we are going to let you decide!! Post your suggestions below for everyone (and Alyssia) to read and your wishes may come true!

37 comment(s) to “Take me back please!”
Make her sign an year contract with bra and thight bands 24/7!!!
full chastity for a year
Get her under a long term contract & do all those things to her.
I would like to see her restrained and then put in full chastity – belt, bra and thigh bands. When she doesn’t behave she should be gagged and anally plugged as punishment.
She could also be made to go out in public in full chastity wearing a skirt just long enough to cover her thigh bands.
Yes! That is a great idea!
I loved the idea of the anal plug punishment.
Well, we don’t want to exaggerate things, do we? My suggestion is: We want to see her lock herself up in the chastity belt, thigh bands AND a wellfitting chastity bra, WITHOUT the keys of course, and then enjoy the feeling – and wearing skirts only! – for one week.
Not enough?? I am sure, it is!! Too little? I am sure, she will ask for the keys after her first night!
hugs, D.
Yes I agree with you, lock herself up would be nice.
Sie sollte in voller Keuschheit 2 Monate leben. Total kontrolliert gewaschen und rasiert werden. Keine intime Berührung sollte möglich sein. Sie sollte Tagebuch über ihre Gefühle ohne Sexuelle Befriedigung führen. Für jedes Jammern und Beschweren über ihre Keuschheit wird der Vertrag um einen Tag verlängert.
En quelle langue, le journal?
I would go for a 24 hour contract. That should be easy, BUT she will need to be plugged in both her ass and pussy all the 24 hours.
Of course she should take a suppository (or enema) to empty the rectum to avoid the need for toilet visits for the 24 hour period.
sound like a great idea
well,she looks damn hot !!!! and slutty as well…and a girl like her needs effective bondage, irrespective of her cries since she’s begging for attention… so i say a tighter chastity belt, with a 20cm vibratable steel plug, with thigh bands and metal bra and a heavy collar, wrist and ankle cuffs…all of them connected by chains would be very restrictive… and having a long term contract( like 6 months) for one of these babes unlike other part time ones is not bad… i would say all the mentioned bondage would look good on her.. so apply most of the time,especially when she’s in the public( semi clothed)so that she gets some attention and alot of curiosity as to what is on her!!
I’d go with Daniela, chastity belt with thigh bands for one week would be fantastic (personally I don’t even ask for a bra as I think they look somehow unesthetic)! I always wanted to see a model wearing thigh bands outdoors and trying to hide them. Two more ideas for short-term use: Lock her heels on and/or connect the thigh bands just with a padlock such that her steps become unnaturally tiny.
yep…thigh bands at a height while wearing a short/mini skirts that is not long enough to cover the bands would be interesting ..
but cant forget the metal bra,neck collar as suggested earlier..
Give her tight bands and let her do usual things in public.
My suggestion is: one-month contract with increasing chastity: Week 1, just the belt always on, of course.Week 2, belt and bra, week 3 belt, bra, thigh bands, week 4: all the above plus a collar. To make things funny, she has to be live like an average girl- go to work, shopping, clubbing, cinema, etc. But in public she always needs to be plugged maybe u can use a remote vibe just for fun :) On the last week she has to be plugged all time, and on the last day, she has to wear a nice horse-tail anal plug too, matching in color to her hair.
anoth great idea!!
Some of these ideas sound a little extreme. I think it would be reasonable for her to go shopping, have her walk around the store, pick out some clothes, and then have her try them on in a fitting room. The people in the other stalls will have no idea that the person next to them is wearing a chastity belt. I would like to see her in the bra and thigh bands at some point.
What about adding a metal corset to the models?
A metal chastity corset should be the awesome dream for this girl…also with a contract should be the best!
Obviously she missed being hugged in a pair of snug steel pants everywhere she goes! Full rigid steel crotchbelts are addictive! (and don’t believe that chicks locked in sinful iron chastity belts are doing it to preserve their virginity. Quite the contrary!)
As for the call for suggestions:
I will echo what many suggested earlier: For going out belted in public:
– SHE MUST BE PLUGGED UNDER with a steel vaginal dildo and/or steel Butt Plug bolted on the crotchband of her chastity belt!
– A Steel Bra harness is an excellent addition!
Since she likes wearing her tight shorts, she can be excused from wearing Thigh Cuffs in public.
Finally, once plugged, belted and dressed, get her to lean forward to lace a pair of 14-hole (or 20-hole) knee-high Dr-Martens combat boots. (she will sure feel every single eyelet!)
If she successfully laced both boots without getting wet, the rest is easy in comparison: She can now step out the door to walk the shopping mall in her eye-catching Dr. Martens bouncing-soles, wiggling the dildo in her pussy with every bootstep!
Upon coming back, she must immediately be cuffed with a pair or linked steel thigh cuffs with the option to remove EITHER plug (but not both)
Only at night she can have the option to keep or remove either or both plugs.
IMPORTANT: Being plugged under chastity for extended period, it’s imperative to keep comfort in mind and reduce discomfort to the absolute minimum! So the plugs must be ergonomic! Else the belt will become a torture device and a very unpleasant and painful experience for a chastity baby to suffer.
Front dildo: I recommend jamming her pussy with a mini steel dildo, such as the DunWa Ball Pocket Plug (it’s not intrusive or hard enough to orgasm like a vibrator dildo — but small enough to wiggle, rattle and gently tease her pussy every time she moves)
Butt Plug: I recommend a SMALL 3.75″ Steel Rattler Butt Plug jammed under her belt’s crotch shield. It’s essentially a lighweight hollow steel plug that houses a spring-loaded weight responding to motion. Very ergonomic due to it’s thin flexible rubber neck. Again, not as hard as a vibrator, but will feel get her insides gently stroked.. or hammered if she jumps or leans excessively forward pushing and pulling to lace her boots (but that’s her choice).
BTW, does anyone else share my fetish for forced heel restraints (like https://flpics0.a.ssl.fastly.net/10/10049/d2f1d43b44d723f5e13c8a374e894257_20100617205740_720.jpg )? I know that technically this has nothing to do with chastity, still for me a chastity belt, especially one with thigh bands, has also some aspect of forced feminization. Like, the girl has to improve her posture, the thigh bands take care for smaller hence more elegant steps and from this point of view locked on heels seem just a natural extension to me.
Why not add stainless steel locking high heel sandals to the list of bondage accessories? Toenails painted red, too. Chastity belt for at least a month.
2 year contract
Thigh bands chastity bra
Vaginal and anal plugs
Remote control plugs for extra fun!
out in public in just steel bra and belt
I second it.. sounds erotic… But would recommend her going out clothed with shorts( barely covering her thigh bands that has chains running to the chastity belt which should also be visible to notify the public that she is chastised… ) and also she should wear a top that only covers her metal bra( that should have chains running in a crossed fashion connecting the waist belt,all of which should be visible which gives an indication that her breasts & pussy is imprisoned which once again is erotic ).. I believe all of this is viable for a girl like this for a very long term contract as the website should maintain a member who represents like full time and is chief amongst all babes as compared to other very short contract babes )!!
I LOVE the idea of locking heels – I have always thought they would be a fine addition as others have mentioned here as well. My suggestion is as follows: A girl, locked into a chastity belt (possibly one of the new types with a sculpted waist belt. Place the key to the chastity belt into the toe of a pair of high heels which are then locked onto the model. Watch as the model desperately tries to escape the chastity belt by trying to get the key.
Another suggestion would involve an overnight contract – chastity belt, chastity bra, locking thigh bands, locking heels. The next day, you tell the model that the key will be placed on a park bench (or other public place). The model goes there to obtain the key, only to find it locked in place (to a bicycle rack, bench, pole – whatever). To escape her restraints, she must unlock herself in public discretely!
Or a simple scene: She wakes in bed happy. She begins to explore her body only to find the restrictiveness of a chastity belt beneath her clothes. She begins to panic, but then sees the key on a nearby table. She jumps out of bed, going for the key, only to fin the chastity belt has been chained to the bed. She is there, tearing her release only centimeters away!
Finally a woman, desperate to escape her chastity belt, desperate to masturbate, suddenly has an idea. Grabbing a bottle of moisturizing oil, she lathers her abdomen with the liquid and attempts to slide the belt off. After thus vainly struggling, pushing, panting, banging, she grabs the bottle again and, lying on the floor, pours its contents over the crotch of the belt, before throwing it roughly away. Her hands dive eagerly to her oiled prison, her fingers hoping to slip,somehow, through the lubrication to the prize within. I think we now how that fight ends!
Hopefully some of my ideas will be helpful as I think they are manageable within the time-frames you guys have to shoot. I love this website, have been a member since near the beginning, but I think slightly more focus on the frustration of denial of sex would be great… and locking heels :P
Why not have a scenario that’s remotely realistic ? (Plugs can only stay inside for a few hours, not for years!)
I know, most of you might be disappointed, but instead of “being as brutal as possible and suggesting all the gear you’ve ever heard of”, we could be creative!
Why don’t we make a game out of it? Like putting her in some predicament? (this one is also brutal, but realistic if it’s only done for one week)
– Belt her, then chain her up in a small cell and make sure that there’s only a toilet and a daybed within her reach
– Don’t provide her with food or anything but tell her that she will be released from the chain for as long as she is willing to put on thigh bands, a chastity bra, 2 plugs and a lockable ball gag.
– she can go grocery shopping then…
Why are you guys so obsessed with plugs? I can see that a single shot with a girl plugged under a chastity belt might be sexy but when it comes to long term contracts, things look a bit different. As some have already mentioned, it is of course not practical to wear a plug 24/7 for an extended period. And arranging plugged intervals in a long term chastity deal destroys the whole point since the model will desire sexual stimulation and even look forward to them. Also because it is rare that models offer herself for a long term thing, I would say take the opportunity whenever possible (even if it is not said yet that Alyssia would do it)! For me a chastity contract is a hot girl and a tight belt – and nothing to get in between ;)
I read great suggestions! Everybody agrees on plugs, Chasity bra and thigh cuffs and force her to go out in public with her “Chastity Suit”.
I heard some suggestions to add restraints in the mix. For that, there’s nothing better to get her legs cuffed in a pair or Prisoner Leg Transport Braces concealed over jeans.
She can walk and sit, but she must be careful not to fully extend her legs when she walks, or not to fully fold her leg when seated in a restaurant — because the spring-loaded pin will lock her leg(s) in position. The release lever hidden under her jeans, she now must use crutches…
fun and realistic..
1 week contract
collar,bra, belt and tightcuffs all conected with flatchains.
only allowed to wear short skirts and high heels (gives a nice ratle when walking around)
day one will be adjusting and frusterating but fun
day two will be pure frusteration and humiliation (think of going out in public like that)
the humiliation will get less after a few days as she gets used to it.. though the frusteration will only increase till drivingher nuts
depending on her normalsexcual need 4 to 5 days will make her wanna hump (toput it rudely) nearly ahy thing
keyholder should be someone at either doesntlike her (or is not attraced to her) or a true sadist that love to see her frusteration
We should definitly take her back :-)
24 / 7 for 1 Year. Only Skirts
she would definitely be worthy of a chastity corset, locked after signing a contract of some length, she seemed to enjoy the experience in the earlier updates, much luck and hopefully many more adventures in chastity
Double plugged belt for a whole year – for sure!!!