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Rachel Adams – holiday Chastity Deal

Rachel Adams – holiday Chastity Deal

After BoundCon, I decided to have a little holiday again in Spain! And the awesome sweet Rachel Adams (who was of course on my promo team) decided to go with me, taking up my offer for a holiday Chastity Deal! 8 days in chastity in exchange for a great time in the sun! Many models have done this Deal in the past, and I am always amazed how well it works out! Rachel is a very submissive girl, so when I chained her collar to the wall, she...

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Kerry – double plug struggle

Kerry – double plug struggle

Finally, a real Challenge for Kerry! She calls herself Captured Kerry, and she got what she wanted on the last day of her Chastity Deal! Full leather bondage, very restrictive, so she could struggle very hard, like she had been asking me during the entire weekend. A tight leather straitjacket, belts around her legs so she couldn’t get up, and a leather harness muzzle gag. This is what it takes to make Kerry a very happy girl! Of...

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Kerry – cage nap

Kerry – cage nap

Kerry was doing so well during her double plug Deal! I have never seen a girl move so much with 2 plugs inside. She loved all the Challenges and asked for more bondage all the time. Yes, Kerry really loves tight (tight belts, tight bondage, tight everything). She is a pure submissive and she loves to feel helpless and give away control. Well, nothing beats sliding two big plugs into yourself and then handing the keys to someone else! This...

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Lizanne – holiday swim

Lizanne – holiday swim

Meanwhile, Lizanne (the real life chastity babe from Belgium) is on holiday with her Master, and they sent a video to be published on this website! Still locked in her OWN Carrara belt, Lizanne seems to be enjoying the sun, looking as stunning as ever! Yes, Lizanne is one of the Chastity Babes who has her own belt (like Pling, Cobie, and quite a few others) and she is locked in it for the most part of her daily life. Her Master only lets...

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Kerry – spike ball

Kerry – spike ball

Kerry told me she likes how I always have new Challenges for her when she is doing a Chastity Deal, so the pressure was on to find new ideas! Even though she was already doing one of the hardest Chastity Deals (double plugged with two large rigid plugs inside her NeoSteel), I knew Kerry would become bored if I didn’t add some extra excitement. I decided to lock a spiked ball to her belt, dangling between her legs. The spikes were...

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Kerry – double plugged Deal!

Kerry – double plugged Deal!

Kerry loves to sign 4-day Deals! Last time she was here, she did so well, she effortlessly walked around in a tight NeoSteel and collar all day long, and she even got plugged! Kerry is just so cute! She is very submissive and into all kinds of fetishes, but chastity has become a favorite of hers, and she loves to come over for a Deal or be on my promo team. For this new Deal, Kerry is going to try to complete her usual 4...

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Cobie – cage nap

Cobie – cage nap

Doing a Chastity Deal directly after a long flight from Australia is hard. Cobie was excited to get locked into the NeoSteel again, but after a few days her jetlag started to catch up with her. She was tired all the time. Also, as Cobie explains in this video, it is the first few days of a Chastity Deal that are easy (because of the excitement to be locked in a belt). But for Cobie, frustration and arousal usually kicks in around day 3....

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Scarlot Rose – Casting Talk

Scarlot Rose – Casting Talk

Meanwhile in the UK, Natalia Forrest is inviting more and more of her friends to her house to do Castings for me! It’s a very good idea to let some girls try on a belt for a few hours first, before flying them over to the Netherlands for a full Chastity Deal. This week, she had Scarlot Rose over! No stranger to fetish and bondage, the tiny Scarlot might be perfect for a Chastity Deal in Holland. She was locked in a Carrara at...

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Olga plugged outdoors!

Olga plugged outdoors!

Olga is crazy! I wanted to take her outside in her plugged chastity belt, but she took it a LOT further! Olga is a real exhibitionist and she will take off her clothes whenever she can! But we were in a public park, and there were people everywhere! Olga told me she had been dreaming about being totally free, outdoors, walking around in just a chastity belt! This was her first time ever in a belt, and I added a plug AND we went outside....

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Keira Lavelle on

Keira Lavelle on

Don’t miss Keira Lavella in her tight Carrara belt this week on!!

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Olga plugged

Olga plugged

New girl Olga was in the studio last year, and she was very upset I did not lock her into a chastity belt. She wanted to try it! She came back one year later and was still asking about trying a chastity belt. I told her she could, but only if the belt would have a front plug. Olga is much more crazy than I thought. She is an exhibitionist, but I did not know that… until we went outside. Olga wanted to show her belt to EVERYONE! In...

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Cobie on

Cobie on

Can 8 chains hold Cobie? We will have to try it! This was actually her own wish, she wanted to see how it would feel to be held by 8 chains. It turned out to be very interesting, because a chain on all 4 sides of her waist and neck means that she can not move at all. She is held in the middle, unable to even wriggle. It was a lot more restrictive than Cobie had expected! Also, the tall Giraffe Collar meant she couldn’t move her head, and...

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Cobie – playing with ropes

Cobie – playing with ropes

Cobie is a professional bondage model, she loves rope as much as wearing a chastity belt! Of course, that doesn’t always go together, and there have been a few shoots and performances where Cobie couldn’t wear her belt, but whenever possible, Cobie will stay belted during her rope shoots! As you can see from the bruises and rope marks on her arms and legs, Cobie had already been doing a lot of shooting during the week she was...

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BoundCon 2019 – Promo Team 2

BoundCon 2019 – Promo Team 2

Before BoundCon, there were about 8-10 girls interested in being on the Promo Team. That would have been some team! But scheduling issues always are a problem and I knew a mega team was not going to happen. It would have been too hard to get them all there at the same time. So I decided to make two teams, one in the afternoon and one in the evening, so more visitors could catch a glimpse of the girls! The evening team was...

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Cobie – shiny pants

Cobie – shiny pants

With Cobie hanging out at my studio, every day was a lot of fun! I told her I preferred it if she didn’t wear any clothes, and she was happy to do that (in the studio and in the chastity mansion where she stayed). Just a cheerful nude Cobie running around the studio, being very curious about anything and everything. She opened all cupboards to have a look inside, she tried on a lot of things, and she kept asking me questions about all...

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BoundCon 2019 – Promo Team 1

BoundCon 2019 – Promo Team 1

BoundCon update! I managed to have 2 promo teams this year at BoundCon 2019! In the International booth, the promo girls could pose and give all the fans the opportunity to take pictures! And it was very international: I started with a brand new Chastity Babe: the lovely St4rdust from the UK! This redhead was getting a lot of attention in her Access Denied belt, while the other girls were still on their way to the booth. Soon, St4rdust was...

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Cobie – Chastity Deal 2019

Cobie – Chastity Deal 2019

Cobie arrived! All the way from Australia! Of course, when it is BoundCon-season, international models start to arrive in Europe left and right, and that’s always a great opportunity to get some girls belted that I couldn’t otherwise get over here (thanks BoundCon!). After her long flight, all Cobie wanted to do was go to sleep, but I dragged her to the studio to get locked in a chastity belt. I know, it is a bit cruel, but I...

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Cherry English – pump plug

Cherry English – pump plug

Cherry English is back! This British sweetheart is still as cute as ever…. and very naughty! She loves everything to do with vibrators and plugs, so this is a perfect opportunity to try the inflatable pump plug again! Since Cherry is pretty tiny, this plug is going to be huge inside her once it is fully inflated. She does not seems scared at all and inserts the deflated plug with a lot of confidence. After a bit of fiddling, she gets...

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Cobie – back yard

Cobie – back yard

800 updates!!! That is a lot of girls in chastity belts! But it is only a small start towards the ultimate goal: all girls must be in chastity belts all the time! This is actually not my slogan, but Cobie’s (yes it is true, you can ask her). The Australian babe lives in an Australian (FancySteel) chastity belt, and she tries to incorporate it into her daily life as much as she can. She can basically do anything in her belt. She also...

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Rachel Adams – prison nap

Rachel Adams – prison nap

There have been a lot of worried people emailing me, asking why I was so hard on Rachel Adams during her Chastity Deal. There were also a lot of people who loved the fact that I was so hard on Rachel Adams during her Chastity Deal. Hmmm… I just want to make it clear that you shouldn’t be worried about Rachel Adams at all. If you are a fan of her work, you will know she is probably one of the toughest bondage models in the world!...

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Rachel Adams in the apartment

Rachel Adams in the apartment

Don’t worry, Rachel Adams got some good sleep every night during her Chastity Deal. Of course, some experiments and challenges were done in the afternoon in the studio, like trying to take a nap in cuffs, but she went with me to the Chastity Mansion every day. To her own room with her own bed, no restraints, just her full chastity gear. Rachel was having a great time, she found it easy to deal with all the metal (a bit noisy though it...

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Rachel Adams – sleep attempt gone wrong

Rachel Adams – sleep attempt gone wrong

Does everything always go to plan in a Chastity Deal? No, it doesn’t. And it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t show these ‘fails’ here. Because you can learn from them if you have your own girlfriend/wife/playpartner in chastity at home. Please be careful and monitor your Chastity Babe at all times! Especially when doing more extreme Challenges and/or bondage. Rachel Adams is one of the toughest bondage models in...

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Rachel Adams – locked nipple clamps

Rachel Adams – locked nipple clamps

Rachel Adams is back already! Considering she is from the USA, that is pretty fast. She must have been really interested in my Chastity Deal offering when I locked her in full chastity a few months ago. She is back now for a more serious Chastity Deal. No more Casting: straight into the full outfit when she got off the plane. Relaxing on the bed in the studio, Rachel carefully examines her gear. She is locked in a chastity belt, chastity...

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Ariel plugged

Ariel plugged

After a quick toilet break during Ariel’s Casting, she came back into the room to find her belt looking a bit different! I replaced the perforated front shield with a slotted one and locked a huge heavy 5-ball dildo inside the chastity belt. Ariel was shocked, although that may have been acting. She was even more shocked at my other ‘present’, which was a good size jewel butt plug. She can’t have been too confused...

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